Arizona ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 420
Cities: 477
Population: 7,079,203
Table of Arizona ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
84531 Bluff town, Halchita CDP, Mexican Hat CDP, Oljato-Monument Valley CDP Apache County, San Juan County 478
84536 Halchita CDP, Oljato-Monument Valley CDP, Oljato-Monument Valley CDP Navajo County, San Juan County 1,495
85003 Phoenix city Maricopa County 8,105
85004 Phoenix city Maricopa County 9,071
85006 Phoenix city Maricopa County 24,777
85007 Phoenix city Maricopa County 14,169
85008 Phoenix city, Scottsdale city, Tempe city Maricopa County 59,734
85009 Phoenix city Maricopa County 51,713
85012 Phoenix city Maricopa County 7,861
85013 Phoenix city Maricopa County 20,163
85014 Phoenix city Maricopa County 26,120
85015 Phoenix city Maricopa County 41,848
85016 Paradise Valley town, Phoenix city Maricopa County 36,320
85017 Phoenix city Maricopa County 41,195
85018 Paradise Valley town, Phoenix city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 37,558
85019 Phoenix city Maricopa County 29,084
85020 Phoenix city Maricopa County 33,582
85021 Phoenix city Maricopa County 39,611
85022 Phoenix city Maricopa County 50,320
85023 Phoenix city Maricopa County 33,985
85024 Phoenix city Maricopa County 24,947
85026 Phoenix city Maricopa County 0
85027 Phoenix city Maricopa County 38,136
85028 Paradise Valley town, Phoenix city Maricopa County 18,136
85029 Phoenix city Maricopa County 47,886
85031 Glendale city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 33,410
85032 Phoenix city Maricopa County 69,352
85033 Glendale city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 60,114
85034 Phoenix city, Tempe city Maricopa County 5,001
85035 Phoenix city Maricopa County 54,524
85037 Avondale city, Glendale city, Phoenix city, Tolleson city Maricopa County 52,061
85040 Phoenix city, Tempe city Maricopa County 33,802
85041 Phoenix city Maricopa County 62,369
85042 Phoenix city Maricopa County 45,315
85043 Phoenix city, Tolleson city Maricopa County 38,938
85044 Chandler city, Phoenix city, Tempe city Maricopa County 40,815
85045 Phoenix city Maricopa County 6,645
85048 Phoenix city Maricopa County 34,039
85050 Phoenix city Maricopa County 31,248
85051 Phoenix city Maricopa County 43,623
85053 Phoenix city Maricopa County 28,939
85054 Phoenix city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 8,131
85083 Phoenix city Maricopa County 19,744
85085 New River CDP, Phoenix city Maricopa County 26,505
85086 Anthem CDP, Cave Creek town, New River CDP, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 43,083
85087 Cave Creek town, New River CDP, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 8,600
85118 Apache Junction city, Gold Canyon CDP, Queen Valley CDP Pinal County 12,504
85119 Apache Junction city, Gold Canyon CDP Pinal County 23,792
85120 Apache Junction city, Mesa city Maricopa County, Pinal County 29,062
85121 Casa Blanca CDP, Goodyear Village CDP, Sacate Village CDP, Stotonic Village CDP, Sweet Water Village CDP, Wet Camp Village CDP Pinal County 2,000
85122 Casa Grande city Pinal County 54,726
85123 Arizona City CDP, Eloy city Pinal County 9,017
85128 Blackwater CDP, Coolidge city, Florence town, Sacaton Flats Village CDP Pinal County 17,032
85131 Casa Grande city, Coolidge city, Eloy city, Picacho CDP, Red Rock CDP Pinal County 17,032
85132 Cactus Forest CDP, Coolidge city, Florence town Pinal County 38,485
85135 Hayden town Gila County 374
85137 Hayden town, Kearny town Gila County, Pinal County 2,506
85138 Casa Blanca CDP, Maricopa city Pinal County 46,647
85139 Ak-Chin Village CDP, Goodyear city, Maricopa city Maricopa County, Pinal County 18,596
85140 Queen Creek town, San Tan Valley CDP Pinal County 45,352
85141 Eloy city, Picacho CDP Pinal County 314
85142 Gilbert town, Lower Santan Village CDP, Mesa city, Queen Creek town, San Tan Valley CDP, Upper Santan Village CDP Maricopa County, Pinal County 78,246
85143 Florence town, San Tan Valley CDP Pinal County 38,548
85145 Red Rock CDP Pinal County 3,403
85147 Blackwater CDP, Lower Santan Village CDP, Sacaton CDP, Sacaton Flats Village CDP, Stotonic Village CDP, Sweet Water Village CDP, Upper Santan Village CDP Pinal County 4,221
85172 Casa Grande city, Maricopa city, Stanfield CDP Pinal County 1,849
85173 Superior town Pinal County 2,679
85191 Coolidge city Pinal County 108
85192 Dripping Springs CDP, Dudleyville CDP, El Capitan CDP, Hayden town, Winkelman town Gila County, Pinal County 2,239
85193 Arizona City CDP, Casa Grande city, Chuichu CDP, Eloy city, Tat Momoli CDP, Vaiva Vo CDP Pinal County 5,303
85194 Casa Grande city, Coolidge city, Eloy city Pinal County 7,137
85201 Mesa city, Tempe city Maricopa County 53,402
85202 Mesa city, Tempe city Maricopa County 38,663
85203 Mesa city Maricopa County 38,719
85204 Gilbert town, Mesa city Maricopa County 67,614
85205 Mesa city Maricopa County 44,195
85206 Gilbert town, Mesa city Maricopa County 35,163
85207 Mesa city Maricopa County 49,699
85208 Mesa city Maricopa County, Pinal County 36,837
85209 Gilbert town, Mesa city Maricopa County 39,726
85210 Mesa city Maricopa County 40,292
85212 Gilbert town, Mesa city, Queen Creek town Maricopa County, Pinal County 43,326
85213 Mesa city Maricopa County 37,247
85215 Mesa city Maricopa County, Pinal County 16,013
85224 Chandler city, Tempe city Maricopa County 49,065
85225 Chandler city, Gilbert town Maricopa County 73,301
85226 Chandler city, Phoenix city, Tempe city Maricopa County 41,988
85233 Chandler city, Gilbert town, Mesa city Maricopa County 37,651
85234 Gilbert town, Mesa city Maricopa County 50,328
85236 Gilbert town Maricopa County 0
85248 Chandler city, Goodyear Village CDP, Lower Santan Village CDP, Stotonic Village CDP, Sun Lakes CDP Maricopa County, Pinal County 36,274
85249 Chandler city, Gilbert town Maricopa County 43,863
85250 Paradise Valley town, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 15,937
85251 Phoenix city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 40,017
85253 Paradise Valley town, Phoenix city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 17,212
85254 Phoenix city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 44,752
85255 Phoenix city, Rio Verde CDP, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 41,888
85256 Mesa city Maricopa County 5,014
85257 Mesa city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 30,647
85258 Scottsdale city Maricopa County 25,343
85259 Fountain Hills town, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 22,402
85260 Scottsdale city Maricopa County 38,320
85262 Carefree town, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 12,701
85263 Rio Verde CDP Maricopa County 3,083
85264 Gila County, Maricopa County 1,374
85266 Carefree town, Phoenix city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 12,145
85268 Fountain Hills town, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 23,810
85281 Mesa city, Phoenix city, Scottsdale city, Tempe city Maricopa County 66,878
85282 Mesa city, Phoenix city, Tempe city Maricopa County 52,066
85283 Chandler city, Guadalupe town, Mesa city, Phoenix city, Tempe city Maricopa County 46,375
85284 Chandler city, Tempe city Maricopa County 19,067
85286 Chandler city, Gilbert town Maricopa County 46,755
85295 Chandler city, Gilbert town Maricopa County 51,813
85296 Gilbert town Maricopa County 49,252
85297 Chandler city, Gilbert town Maricopa County 34,349
85298 Chandler city, Gilbert town, Queen Creek town Maricopa County 40,894
85301 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 67,736
85302 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 40,946
85303 Glendale city, Peoria city Maricopa County 34,617
85304 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 28,587
85305 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 14,485
85306 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 23,598
85307 El Mirage city, Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 11,665
85308 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 63,827
85309 Glendale city Maricopa County 955
85310 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 19,664
85320 Aguila CDP Maricopa County, Yavapai County 723
85321 Ajo CDP, Ali Chuk CDP, Charco CDP, Kaka CDP, Ventana CDP, Why CDP Maricopa County, Pima County 3,745
85322 Arlington CDP, Buckeye city, Gila Bend town Maricopa County 443
85323 Avondale city, Goodyear city, Tolleson city Maricopa County 44,512
85324 Black Canyon City CDP, Peoria city Yavapai County 2,485
85325 Alamo Lake CDP, Bouse CDP, Parker town, Utting CDP, Vicksburg CDP La Paz County 1,215
85326 Buckeye city, Gila Bend town, Goodyear city Maricopa County 71,621
85328 Cibola CDP La Paz County 142
85329 Avondale city Maricopa County 2,817
85331 Carefree town, Cave Creek town, New River CDP, Phoenix city, Scottsdale city Maricopa County 30,647
85332 Congress CDP, Yarnell CDP Yavapai County 1,758
85333 Aztec CDP, Dateland CDP Maricopa County, Yuma County 501
85334 Cibola CDP, Ehrenberg CDP La Paz County 959
85335 El Mirage city, Glendale city Maricopa County 35,410
85336 Gadsden CDP, San Luis city Yuma County 10,318
85337 Buckeye city, Gila Bend town, Theba CDP Maricopa County 2,507
85338 Avondale city, Buckeye city, Goodyear city Maricopa County 57,464
85339 Gila Crossing CDP, Komatke CDP, Maricopa Colony CDP, Phoenix city, Sacate Village CDP, Santa Cruz CDP, St. Johns CDP Maricopa County, Pinal County 50,260
85340 Avondale city, Buckeye city, Citrus Park CDP, Glendale city, Goodyear city, Litchfield Park city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 35,643
85341 Pima County 41
85342 Buckeye city, Circle City CDP, Morristown CDP, Peoria city, Surprise city, Wickenburg town Maricopa County, Yavapai County 1,753
85343 Buckeye city Maricopa County 91
85344 Bluewater CDP, Cienega Springs CDP, Parker town, Parker Strip CDP La Paz County 9,369
85345 Glendale city, Peoria city, Sun City CDP Maricopa County 59,631
85346 Ehrenberg CDP, La Paz Valley CDP, Parker town, Quartzsite town, Vicksburg CDP La Paz County 2,312
85347 Dateland CDP, Tacna CDP Yuma County 653
85348 Bouse CDP, Brenda CDP, Salome CDP, Sunwest CDP, Vicksburg CDP, Wenden CDP La Paz County 2,156
85349 San Luis city Yuma County 25,772
85350 Gadsden CDP, Orange Grove Mobile Manor CDP, Rancho Mesa Verde CDP, San Luis city, Somerton city, Yuma city Yuma County 18,838
85351 Peoria city, Sun City CDP, Youngtown town Maricopa County 28,095
85352 Tacna CDP Yuma County 407
85353 Avondale city, Phoenix city, Tolleson city Maricopa County 42,058
85354 Buckeye city, Tonopah CDP, Wintersburg CDP Maricopa County 7,359
85355 Citrus Park CDP, Glendale city, Goodyear city, Surprise city Maricopa County 12,713
85356 Tacna CDP, Wellton town, Wellton Hills CDP Yuma County 4,220
85357 Alamo Lake CDP, Salome CDP, Wenden CDP La Paz County 442
85360 Wikieup CDP Mohave County 57
85361 Buckeye city, Peoria city, Surprise city, Wittmann CDP Maricopa County 6,970
85362 Peeples Valley CDP, Yarnell CDP Yavapai County 705
85363 El Mirage city, Youngtown town Maricopa County 6,908
85364 Avenue B and C CDP, Donovan Estates CDP, Yuma city Yuma County 72,225
85365 Buckshot CDP, Drysdale CDP, El Prado Estates CDP, Fortuna Foothills CDP, Martinez Lake CDP, Padre Ranchitos CDP, Somerton city, Wall Lane CDP, Yuma city, Yuma Proving Ground CDP Yuma County 49,699
85367 Fortuna Foothills CDP Yuma County 20,326
85371 Poston CDP La Paz County 250
85373 Peoria city, Sun City CDP, Sun City West CDP, Surprise city Maricopa County 20,366
85374 Sun City CDP, Sun City West CDP, Surprise city Maricopa County 40,143
85375 Sun City West CDP, Surprise city Maricopa County 26,479
85377 Carefree town, Cave Creek town Maricopa County 3,555
85378 Sun City CDP, Surprise city Maricopa County 9,540
85379 El Mirage city, Surprise city Maricopa County 48,157
85381 Glendale city, Peoria city, Sun City CDP Maricopa County 26,385
85382 Glendale city, Peoria city Maricopa County 41,508
85383 Glendale city, Peoria city, Phoenix city, Surprise city Maricopa County 66,707
85387 Peoria city, Surprise city Maricopa County 14,518
85388 Surprise city Maricopa County 33,299
85390 Buckeye city, Wickenburg town Maricopa County, Yavapai County 9,317
85392 Avondale city, Goodyear city, Litchfield Park city, Phoenix city Maricopa County 38,772
85395 Avondale city, Goodyear city Maricopa County 36,531
85396 Buckeye city, Surprise city Maricopa County 32,413
85501 Central Heights-Midland City CDP, Claypool CDP, Copper Hill CDP, Dripping Springs CDP, El Capitan CDP, Globe city, Icehouse Canyon CDP, Pinal CDP, Rock House CDP, Six Shooter Canyon CDP, Top-of-the-World CDP, Wheatfields CDP Gila County 12,903
85530 Bylas CDP Graham County 1,514
85531 Central CDP, Thatcher town Graham County 434
85532 Claypool CDP Gila County 312
85533 Clifton town Graham County, Grant County, Greenlee County 3,006
85534 Duncan town, Franklin CDP, York CDP Grant County, Greenlee County, Hidalgo County 2,681
85535 Graham County 0
85536 Fort Thomas CDP Graham County 383
85539 Central Heights-Midland City CDP, Claypool CDP, Globe city, Miami town, Top-of-the-World CDP Gila County, Pinal County 2,872
85540 Clifton town, Morenci CDP Greenlee County 3,795
85541 Bear Flat CDP, Beaver Valley CDP, Christopher Creek CDP, Deer Creek CDP, East Verde Estates CDP, Flowing Springs CDP, Freedom Acres CDP, Geronimo Estates CDP, Gisela CDP, Hunter Creek CDP, Jakes Corner CDP, Kohls Ranch CDP, Mead Ranch CDP, Mesa del Caballo CDP, Oxbow Estates CDP, Payson town, Round Valley CDP, Rye CDP, Star Valley town, Tonto Village CDP, Washington Park CDP, Whispering Pines CDP Gila County 22,746
85542 Peridot CDP, San Carlos CDP Gila County, Graham County 3,876
85543 Bryce CDP, Central CDP, Pima town Graham County 4,073
85544 Flowing Springs CDP, Pine CDP, Strawberry CDP Gila County 2,632
85545 Roosevelt CDP, Roosevelt Estates CDP, Top-of-the-World CDP, Wheatfields CDP Gila County, Maricopa County 648
85546 Cactus Flats CDP, Safford city, San Jose CDP, Solomon CDP, Swift Trail Junction CDP, Thatcher town Graham County 20,189
85550 Cutter CDP, East Globe CDP, Peridot CDP, San Carlos CDP Gila County, Graham County 5,425
85551 San Jose CDP, Solomon CDP Graham County 496
85552 Safford city, Thatcher town Graham County 6,601
85553 Tonto Basin CDP Gila County 1,522
85554 Haigler Creek CDP, Young CDP Gila County 430
85601 Arivaca CDP Pima County 527
85602 Benson city, J-Six Ranchettes CDP, Mescal CDP Cochise County, Pima County 9,590
85603 Bisbee city, Naco CDP Cochise County 6,587
85605 Bowie CDP Cochise County 633
85606 Cochise County 845
85607 Douglas city, Pirtleville CDP Cochise County, Hidalgo County 17,394
85608 Douglas city Cochise County 3,038
85609 Dragoon CDP Cochise County 410
85610 Elfrida CDP Cochise County 817
85611 Elgin CDP, Sierra Vista city, Sonoita CDP Cochise County, Pima County, Santa Cruz County 1,423
85613 Sierra Vista city Cochise County 5,248
85614 Green Valley CDP, Sahuarita town Pima County, Santa Cruz County 23,485
85615 Miracle Valley CDP, Palominas CDP, Sierra Vista Southeast CDP Cochise County 9,033
85616 Huachuca City town, Sierra Vista city, Whetstone CDP Cochise County 5,216
85617 McNeal CDP Cochise County 1,113
85618 Mammoth town Pinal County 1,443
85619 Catalina CDP, Oro Valley town, Summerhaven CDP, Willow Canyon CDP Pima County 26
85620 Naco CDP Cochise County 941
85621 Beyerville CDP, Kino Springs CDP, Nogales city, Rio Rico CDP Santa Cruz County 21,688
85622 Green Valley CDP Pima County 6,180
85623 Campo Bonito CDP, Mammoth town, Oracle CDP, Saddlebrooke CDP Pinal County 4,927
85624 Patagonia town Santa Cruz County 1,339
85625 Sunizona CDP, Sunsites CDP Cochise County 1,866
85626 Pirtleville CDP Cochise County 1,273
85627 Benson city Cochise County 461
85629 Sahuarita town, Tucson city Pima County 29,319
85630 Benson city, St. David CDP Cochise County 1,811
85631 Oracle CDP, San Manuel CDP Pinal County 3,521
85632 San Simon CDP Cochise County, Hidalgo County 784
85633 Pima County 42
85634 Ak Chin CDP, Ali Chuk CDP, Ali Chukson CDP, Ali Molina CDP, Anegam CDP, Chiawuli Tak CDP, Comobabi CDP, Cowlic CDP, Gu Oidak CDP, Haivana Nakya CDP, Ko Vaya CDP, Kohatk CDP, Maish Vaya CDP, Nolic CDP, Pisinemo CDP, San Miguel CDP, Santa Rosa CDP, Sells CDP, South Komelik CDP, Topawa CDP, Ventana CDP, Wahak Hotrontk CDP Pima County, Pinal County 6,288
85635 Sierra Vista city, Sierra Vista Southeast CDP Cochise County 35,167
85637 Sonoita CDP Pima County, Santa Cruz County 1,130
85638 Tombstone city Cochise County 1,667
85639 Topawa CDP Pima County 425
85640 Rio Rico CDP, Tubac CDP, Tumacacori-Carmen CDP Santa Cruz County 86
85641 Corona de Tucson CDP, Rincon Valley CDP, Tucson city, Vail CDP Pima County 30,080
85643 Willcox city Cochise County, Graham County 8,565
85645 Amado CDP, Arivaca Junction CDP, Elephant Head CDP, Green Valley CDP Pima County, Santa Cruz County 1,602
85646 Amado CDP, Rio Rico CDP, Tubac CDP, Tumacacori-Carmen CDP Santa Cruz County 1,274
85648 Rio Rico CDP, Tumacacori-Carmen CDP Santa Cruz County 21,007
85650 Sierra Vista city, Sierra Vista Southeast CDP Cochise County 14,447
85653 Avra Valley CDP, Marana town, Nelson CDP, Picture Rocks CDP, Rillito CDP Pima County, Pinal County 19,977
85654 Rillito CDP Pima County 0
85658 Marana town, Red Rock CDP Pima County, Pinal County 15,494
85701 Tucson city Pima County 5,283
85704 Casas Adobes CDP, Catalina Foothills CDP, Flowing Wells CDP, Oro Valley town, Tucson city Pima County 34,597
85705 Flowing Wells CDP, Tucson city Pima County 55,714
85706 Tucson city Pima County 57,761
85707 Tucson city Pima County 691
85708 Tucson city Pima County 3,902
85709 Tucson city Pima County 0
85710 Tucson city Pima County 52,385
85711 Tucson city Pima County 41,369
85712 Catalina Foothills CDP, Tucson city Pima County 31,161
85713 South Tucson city, Tucson city, Tucson Estates CDP Pima County 45,904
85714 Tucson city Pima County 15,828
85715 Catalina Foothills CDP, Tucson city Pima County 18,609
85716 Catalina Foothills CDP, Kleindale CDP, Tucson city Pima County 31,317
85718 Casas Adobes CDP, Catalina Foothills CDP, Oro Valley town, Tucson city Pima County 26,377
85719 Tucson city Pima County 47,922
85721 Tucson city Pima County 0
85723 Tucson city Pima County 140
85724 Tucson city Pima County 0
85726 Tucson city Pima County 0
85730 Tucson city Pima County 38,674
85734 Tucson city Pima County 5,559
85735 Three Points CDP, Tucson Estates CDP Pima County 10,811
85736 Three Points CDP Pima County 4,473
85737 Casas Adobes CDP, Catalina CDP, Oro Valley town Pima County 22,331
85739 Catalina CDP, Oro Valley town, Saddlebrooke CDP Pima County, Pinal County 17,216
85741 Casas Adobes CDP, Flowing Wells CDP, Marana town, Tucson city Pima County 34,020
85742 Casas Adobes CDP, Marana town, Oro Valley town Pima County 28,938
85743 Flowing Wells CDP, Marana town, Picture Rocks CDP, Tucson city, Tucson Mountains CDP Pima County 30,655
85745 Tucson city, Tucson Mountains CDP Pima County 37,566
85746 Drexel Heights CDP, Tucson city Pima County 46,452
85747 Rincon Valley CDP, Tucson city, Vail CDP Pima County 26,083
85748 Tanque Verde CDP, Tucson city Pima County 19,858
85749 Catalina Foothills CDP, Tanque Verde CDP, Tucson city Pima County 18,217
85750 Catalina Foothills CDP Pima County 24,440
85755 Catalina CDP, Marana town, Oro Valley town Pima County 17,352
85756 Summit CDP, Tucson city Pima County 36,163
85757 Drexel Heights CDP, Valencia West CDP Pima County 20,440
85901 Linden CDP, Pinetop-Lakeside town, Show Low city, Shumway CDP, Taylor town, Wagon Wheel CDP, White Mountain Lake CDP Apache County, Navajo County 18,855
85902 Navajo County 5
85911 Cibecue CDP Navajo County 1,432
85912 White Mountain Lake CDP Navajo County 161
85920 Alpine CDP Apache County, Catron County 562
85922 Apache County, Catron County, Greenlee County 60
85923 Clay Springs CDP, Pinedale CDP Navajo County 449
85924 Concho CDP Apache County, Navajo County 1,855
85925 Eagar town, Springerville town Apache County 4,487
85926 Fort Apache CDP, Seven Mile CDP, Whiteriver CDP Navajo County 852
85927 Greer CDP Apache County 125
85928 Heber-Overgaard CDP Navajo County 565
85929 Lake of the Woods CDP, Pinetop-Lakeside town, Show Low city, Wagon Wheel CDP Navajo County 7,377
85930 Hondah CDP, McNary CDP Apache County, Navajo County 1,526
85931 Forest Lakes CDP Coconino County 235
85932 Nutrioso CDP Apache County 636
85933 Heber-Overgaard CDP Navajo County 2,908
85934 Pinedale CDP Navajo County 486
85935 Hondah CDP, McNary CDP, Pinetop Country Club CDP, Pinetop-Lakeside town Navajo County 4,429
85936 St. Johns city Apache County 4,057
85937 Snowflake town, Taylor town Apache County, Navajo County 9,058
85938 Eagar town, Springerville town Apache County 2,359
85939 Shumway CDP, Taylor town Navajo County 3,977
85940 Vernon CDP Apache County 1,524
85941 Canyon Day CDP, Carrizo CDP, Cedar Creek CDP, East Fork CDP, North Fork CDP, Rainbow City CDP, Seven Mile CDP, Turkey Creek CDP, Whiteriver CDP Apache County, Gila County, Navajo County 10,640
85942 Woodruff CDP Navajo County 0
86001 Bellemont CDP, Flagstaff city, Fort Valley CDP, Kachina Village CDP, Mountainaire CDP, Parks CDP Coconino County 37,157
86003 Coconino County 72
86004 Doney Park CDP, Flagstaff city, Leupp CDP, Mountain View Ranches CDP, Timberline-Fernwood CDP Coconino County 36,337
86005 Flagstaff city, Kachina Village CDP, Mountainaire CDP Coconino County 15,921
86011 Flagstaff city Coconino County 4,717
86015 Bellemont CDP Coconino County 1,115
86016 Coconino County 42
86017 Munds Park CDP Coconino County 780
86018 Parks CDP Coconino County 771
86020 Cameron CDP Coconino County 2,283
86021 Cane Beds CDP, Centennial Park CDP, Colorado City town Mohave County 4,189
86022 Cane Beds CDP, Centennial Park CDP, Fredonia town, Kaibab CDP, Moccasin CDP Coconino County, Mohave County 2,041
86023 Grand Canyon Village CDP, Tusayan town Coconino County 1,916
86024 Blue Ridge CDP Coconino County, Yavapai County 1,004
86025 Holbrook city, Sun Valley CDP, Woodruff CDP Apache County, Navajo County 5,253
86028 Apache County, Navajo County 39
86029 Sun Valley CDP Navajo County 106
86030 Hard Rock CDP, Hotevilla-Bacavi CDP, Kykotsmovi Village CDP Coconino County, Navajo County 927
86031 Indian Wells CDP, Whitecone CDP Navajo County 1,832
86032 Holbrook city, Joseph City CDP Navajo County 2,121
86033 Chilchinbito CDP, Dennehotso CDP, Kayenta CDP, Oljato-Monument Valley CDP Apache County, Navajo County 8,191
86034 First Mesa CDP, Jeddito CDP, Keams Canyon CDP, Low Mountain CDP, Whitecone CDP Apache County, Navajo County 1,519
86035 Leupp CDP, Tolani Lake CDP Coconino County 1,928
86036 Bitter Springs CDP, Page city Coconino County 220
86038 Mormon Lake CDP Coconino County 73
86039 Hard Rock CDP, Kykotsmovi Village CDP, Second Mesa CDP Navajo County 1,590
86040 Bitter Springs CDP, Greenehaven CDP, LeChee CDP, Page city Coconino County 10,824
86042 First Mesa CDP, Keams Canyon CDP, Second Mesa CDP Navajo County 2,207
86043 Second Mesa CDP, Shongopovi CDP Navajo County 2,609
86044 Navajo Mountain CDP, Tonalea CDP Coconino County, Navajo County, San Juan County 3,149
86045 Moenkopi CDP, Tuba City CDP Coconino County 11,756
86046 Parks CDP, Red Lake CDP, Valle CDP, Williams city Coconino County, Yavapai County 5,826
86047 Dilkon CDP, Leupp CDP, Seba Dalkai CDP, Tees Toh CDP, Tolani Lake CDP, Winslow city, Winslow West CDP Coconino County, Navajo County 14,388
86052 Grand Canyon Village CDP Coconino County 333
86053 Kaibito CDP Coconino County 2,498
86054 Shonto CDP Coconino County, Navajo County 1,628
86301 Prescott city, Prescott Valley town Yavapai County 25,178
86303 Dewey-Humboldt town, Prescott city, Prescott Valley town Yavapai County 18,452
86305 Bagdad CDP, Paulden CDP, Prescott city, Williamson CDP Yavapai County 18,421
86313 Prescott city Yavapai County 260
86314 Chino Valley town, Prescott city, Prescott Valley town Yavapai County 39,118
86315 Chino Valley town, Prescott city, Prescott Valley town Yavapai County 9,096
86320 Ash Fork CDP, Kaibab Estates West CDP Coconino County, Yavapai County 2,972
86321 Bagdad CDP Yavapai County 2,745
86322 Camp Verde town Coconino County, Yavapai County 12,487
86323 Chino Valley town, Paulden CDP, Prescott city, Williamson CDP Yavapai County 18,913
86324 Clarkdale town, Cottonwood city Coconino County, Yavapai County 4,419
86325 Cornville CDP, Cottonwood city, Verde Village CDP Yavapai County 5,598
86326 Camp Verde town, Clarkdale town, Cottonwood city, Verde Village CDP Yavapai County 24,896
86327 Camp Verde town, Dewey-Humboldt town, Prescott Valley town Yavapai County 9,894
86329 Dewey-Humboldt town, Mayer CDP Yavapai County 1,545
86331 Jerome town Yavapai County 445
86332 Peeples Valley CDP, Wilhoit CDP, Yarnell CDP Yavapai County 2,017
86333 Cordes Lakes CDP, Mayer CDP, Spring Valley CDP Yavapai County 7,012
86334 Chino Valley town, Paulden CDP Yavapai County 4,402
86335 Lake Montezuma CDP Coconino County, Yavapai County 4,593
86336 Cottonwood city, Munds Park CDP, Oak Creek Canyon CDP, Sedona city Coconino County, Yavapai County 10,890
86337 Seligman CDP Coconino County, Yavapai County 1,610
86338 Yavapai County 539
86343 Yavapai County 129
86351 Village of Oak Creek (Big Park) CDP Coconino County, Yavapai County 6,300
86401 Antares CDP, Clacks Canyon CDP, Hackberry CDP, Kingman city, Lazy Y U CDP, McConnico CDP, New Kingman-Butler CDP, Pine Lake CDP, Pinion Pines CDP, Valle Vista CDP Mohave County 28,352
86403 Desert Hills CDP, Lake Havasu City city Mohave County 18,068
86404 Crystal Beach CDP, Desert Hills CDP, Lake Havasu City city Mohave County 17,966
86406 Lake Havasu City city Mohave County 24,050
86409 Clacks Canyon CDP, Kingman city, New Kingman-Butler CDP Mohave County 29,109
86411 Hackberry CDP, Truxton CDP Mohave County 518
86413 Clacks Canyon CDP, Golden Valley CDP, Katherine CDP, McConnico CDP, Oatman CDP, So-Hi CDP, Walnut Creek CDP Mohave County 11,077
86426 Bullhead City city, Fort Mohave CDP Mohave County 15,630
86429 Bullhead City city, Katherine CDP Mohave County 8,391
86431 Chloride CDP Mohave County 296
86432 Beaver Dam CDP, Littlefield CDP, Scenic CDP Mohave County 4,000
86433 Oatman CDP Mohave County 43
86434 Crozier CDP, Grand Canyon West CDP, Peach Springs CDP, Truxton CDP Coconino County, Mohave County, Yavapai County 1,697
86435 Supai CDP Coconino County 0
86436 Golden Shores CDP, Topock CDP Mohave County 1,089
86437 Crozier CDP, Hackberry CDP, Valentine CDP Mohave County 107
86438 Yucca CDP Mohave County 661
86440 Arizona Village CDP, Fort Mohave CDP, Golden Shores CDP, Mesquite Creek CDP, Mohave Valley CDP, Mojave Ranch Estates CDP, Willow Valley CDP Mohave County 8,130
86441 Dolan Springs CDP, White Hills CDP Mohave County 1,815
86442 Bullhead City city, Fort Mohave CDP Clark County, Mohave County 33,477
86443 Mohave County 0
86444 Meadview CDP Mohave County 1,517
86445 White Hills CDP Mohave County 253
86502 Klagetoh CDP, Wide Ruins CDP Apache County 920
86503 Chinle CDP, Cottonwood CDP, Del Muerto CDP, Many Farms CDP, Rough Rock CDP Apache County, Navajo County 9,089
86504 Fort Defiance CDP, Sawmill CDP Apache County, McKinley County, San Juan County 6,347
86505 Burnside CDP, Cornfields CDP, Ganado CDP, Greasewood CDP, Klagetoh CDP, Steamboat CDP, Toyei CDP Apache County, Navajo County 7,522
86506 Houck CDP Apache County 1,437
86507 Lukachukai CDP, Sehili CDP, Tsaile CDP Apache County 2,005
86508 Lupton CDP Apache County, McKinley County 516
86510 Low Mountain CDP, Pinon CDP Apache County, Navajo County 3,569
86511 Oak Springs CDP, St. Michaels CDP, Window Rock CDP Apache County 3,629
86512 Houck CDP, Sanders CDP Apache County, Cibola County 2,513
86514 Red Mesa CDP, Teec Nos Pos CDP Apache County, San Juan County, San Juan County 3,367
86515 Black Hat CDP, St. Michaels CDP, Tse Bonito CDP, Twin Lakes CDP, Window Rock CDP Apache County, McKinley County 3,079
86520 Low Mountain CDP Apache County, Navajo County 2,270
86535 Dennehotso CDP Apache County 1,428
86538 Many Farms CDP Apache County 1,491
86540 Nazlini CDP Apache County 1,039
86544 Red Rock CDP, Red Rock CDP Apache County, San Juan County 1,377
86545 Rock Point CDP Apache County 1,268
86547 Round Rock CDP Apache County 1,040
86556 Sehili CDP, Tsaile CDP Apache County 2,845
87328 Crystal CDP, Navajo CDP Apache County, McKinley County, San Juan County 2,841

Census data for Arizona

Demographic estimates in Arizona

Total population
Total population7,079,203
Population by age
Under 18 years1,614,435
18 to 65 years4,220,909
65 years and over1,243,859
Median age (years)38.1
Population by race
Total population7,079,203
One race6,344,182
   Black or African American318,827
   American Indian and Alaska Native300,862
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander13,979
   Some other race490,290
Two or more races735,021

Economic characteristics in Arizona

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households2,683,557
Less than $10,000148,295
$10,000 to $24,999297,502
$25,000 to $49,999566,114
$50,000 to $99,999849,625
$100,000 to $149,999436,397
$150,000 to $199,999186,606
$200,000 or more199,018
Median household income (dollars)65,913

Housing characteristics in Arizona

Housing occupancy
Total housing units3,056,890
Occupied housing units2,683,557
Vacant housing units373,333
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units2,683,557
Owner-occupied units1,765,658
Less than $50,000123,414
$50,000 to $99,99997,704
$100,000 to $149,999138,763
$150,000 to $199,999219,161
$200,000 to $299,999453,297
$300,000 to $499,999485,461
$500,000 to $999,999206,680
$1,000,000 or more41,178
Median (dollars)265,600
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent873,415
Less than $50043,235
$500 to $999263,934
$1,000 to $1,499333,934
$1,500 to $1,999164,583
$2,000 to $2,49943,253
$2,500 to $2,99911,937
$3,000 or more12,539
Median (dollars)1,172
No rent paid44,484

How many ZIP Codes are in Arizona?

There are 420 ZIP Codes in Arizona.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in the Arizona?

The largest ZIP Code in Arizona is 85142 with a population of 78,246.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Arizona:
  • 85142
  • 85225
  • 85364
  • 85326
  • 85032