Coconino County, Arizona ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 67
Cities: 55
Population: 144,942
Table of Coconino County, AZ ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
86320 Ash Fork CDP, Kaibab Estates West CDP 652
86024 Blue Ridge CDP 981
86020 Cameron CDP 882
86047 Dilkon CDP, Leupp CDP, Seba Dalkai CDP, Tees Toh CDP, Tolani Lake CDP, Winslow city, Winslow West CDP 1,297
86004 Doney Park CDP, Flagstaff city, Leupp CDP, Mountain View Ranches CDP, Timberline-Fernwood CDP 5,086
85931 Forest Lakes CDP 220
86001 Bellemont CDP, Flagstaff city, Fort Valley CDP, Kachina Village CDP, Mountainaire CDP, Parks CDP 1,935
86022 Cane Beds CDP, Centennial Park CDP, Fredonia town, Kaibab CDP, Moccasin CDP 1,128
86434 Crozier CDP, Grand Canyon West CDP, Peach Springs CDP, Truxton CDP 0
86040 Bitter Springs CDP, Greenehaven CDP, LeChee CDP, Page city 359
86030 Hard Rock CDP, Hotevilla-Bacavi CDP, Kykotsmovi Village CDP 910
86022 Cane Beds CDP, Centennial Park CDP, Fredonia town, Kaibab CDP, Moccasin CDP 181
86320 Ash Fork CDP, Kaibab Estates West CDP 1,765
86053 Kaibito CDP 1,826
86040 Bitter Springs CDP, Greenehaven CDP, LeChee CDP, Page city 1,499
86022 Cane Beds CDP, Centennial Park CDP, Fredonia town, Kaibab CDP, Moccasin CDP 91
86045 Moenkopi CDP, Tuba City CDP 1,258
86038 Mormon Lake CDP 38
86004 Doney Park CDP, Flagstaff city, Leupp CDP, Mountain View Ranches CDP, Timberline-Fernwood CDP 1,596
86336 Cottonwood city, Munds Park CDP, Oak Creek Canyon CDP, Sedona city 303
86434 Crozier CDP, Grand Canyon West CDP, Peach Springs CDP, Truxton CDP 1,315
86046 Parks CDP, Red Lake CDP, Valle CDP, Williams city 1,382
86047 Dilkon CDP, Leupp CDP, Seba Dalkai CDP, Tees Toh CDP, Tolani Lake CDP, Winslow city, Winslow West CDP 122
86336 Cottonwood city, Munds Park CDP, Oak Creek Canyon CDP, Sedona city 9,723
86337 Seligman CDP 691
86054 Shonto CDP 347
86435 Supai CDP 0
86047 Dilkon CDP, Leupp CDP, Seba Dalkai CDP, Tees Toh CDP, Tolani Lake CDP, Winslow city, Winslow West CDP 445
86004 Doney Park CDP, Flagstaff city, Leupp CDP, Mountain View Ranches CDP, Timberline-Fernwood CDP 2,637
86044 Navajo Mountain CDP, Tonalea CDP 256
86045 Moenkopi CDP, Tuba City CDP 8,748
86023 Grand Canyon Village CDP, Tusayan town 323
86046 Parks CDP, Red Lake CDP, Valle CDP, Williams city 101
86046 Parks CDP, Red Lake CDP, Valle CDP, Williams city 3,235
86047 Dilkon CDP, Leupp CDP, Seba Dalkai CDP, Tees Toh CDP, Tolani Lake CDP, Winslow city, Winslow West CDP 8,961
86047 Dilkon CDP, Leupp CDP, Seba Dalkai CDP, Tees Toh CDP, Tolani Lake CDP, Winslow city, Winslow West CDP 306
85931 Forest Lakes CDP 235
86001 Bellemont CDP, Flagstaff city, Fort Valley CDP, Kachina Village CDP, Mountainaire CDP, Parks CDP 37,157
86003 72
86004 Doney Park CDP, Flagstaff city, Leupp CDP, Mountain View Ranches CDP, Timberline-Fernwood CDP 36,337
86005 Flagstaff city, Kachina Village CDP, Mountainaire CDP 15,921
86011 Flagstaff city 4,717
86015 Bellemont CDP 1,115
86016 42
86017 Munds Park CDP 780
86018 Parks CDP 771
86020 Cameron CDP 2,283
86022 Cane Beds CDP, Centennial Park CDP, Fredonia town, Kaibab CDP, Moccasin CDP 2,041
86023 Grand Canyon Village CDP, Tusayan town 1,916
86024 Blue Ridge CDP 1,004
86030 Hard Rock CDP, Hotevilla-Bacavi CDP, Kykotsmovi Village CDP 927
86035 Leupp CDP, Tolani Lake CDP 1,928
86036 Bitter Springs CDP, Page city 220
86038 Mormon Lake CDP 73
86040 Bitter Springs CDP, Greenehaven CDP, LeChee CDP, Page city 10,824
86044 Navajo Mountain CDP, Tonalea CDP 3,149
86045 Moenkopi CDP, Tuba City CDP 11,756
86046 Parks CDP, Red Lake CDP, Valle CDP, Williams city 5,826
86047 Dilkon CDP, Leupp CDP, Seba Dalkai CDP, Tees Toh CDP, Tolani Lake CDP, Winslow city, Winslow West CDP 14,388
86052 Grand Canyon Village CDP 333
86053 Kaibito CDP 2,498
86054 Shonto CDP 1,628
86320 Ash Fork CDP, Kaibab Estates West CDP 2,972
86336 Cottonwood city, Munds Park CDP, Oak Creek Canyon CDP, Sedona city 10,890
86337 Seligman CDP 1,610
86434 Crozier CDP, Grand Canyon West CDP, Peach Springs CDP, Truxton CDP 1,697
86435 Supai CDP 0

Census data for Coconino County, Arizona

Demographic estimates in Coconino County, Arizona

Total population
Total population144,942
Population by age
Under 18 years29,551
18 to 65 years96,763
65 years and over18,628
Median age (years)31.5
Population by race
Total population144,942
One race136,181
   Black or African American2,035
   American Indian and Alaska Native37,533
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander230
   Some other race6,570
Two or more races8,761

Economic characteristics in Coconino County, Arizona

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households51,037
Less than $10,0003,812
$10,000 to $24,9996,918
$25,000 to $49,9999,834
$50,000 to $99,99916,015
$100,000 to $149,9997,509
$150,000 to $199,9993,578
$200,000 or more3,371
Median household income (dollars)61,888

Housing characteristics in Coconino County, Arizona

Housing occupancy
Total housing units68,446
Occupied housing units51,037
Vacant housing units17,409
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units51,037
Owner-occupied units30,563
Less than $50,0003,613
$50,000 to $99,9992,526
$100,000 to $149,9991,492
$150,000 to $199,9991,893
$200,000 to $299,9994,659
$300,000 to $499,9999,508
$500,000 to $999,9995,852
$1,000,000 or more1,020
Median (dollars)320,400
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent19,030
Less than $5001,037
$500 to $9994,475
$1,000 to $1,4996,700
$1,500 to $1,9995,025
$2,000 to $2,4991,330
$2,500 to $2,999339
$3,000 or more124
Median (dollars)1,302
No rent paid1,444

How many ZIP Codes are in Coconino County, AZ?

There are 67 ZIP Codes in Coconino County, AZ.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Coconino County, AZ?

The largest ZIP Code in Coconino County, AZ is 86001 with a population of 37,157.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Coconino County, AZ:
  • 86001
  • 86004
  • 86005
  • 86047
  • 86045

US ZIP Codes

Arizona ZIP Codes