Maryland ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 477
Cities: 538
Population: 6,148,545
Table of Maryland ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
19973 Blades town, Bridgeville town, Galestown town, Seaford city Dorchester County, Sussex County 25,619
20601 Accokeek CDP, Brandywine CDP, Bryantown CDP, Hughesville CDP, Waldorf CDP Charles County, Prince George's County 26,740
20602 Waldorf CDP Charles County 28,277
20603 Bensville CDP, Waldorf CDP Charles County 31,897
20606 St. Mary's County 101
20607 Accokeek CDP Charles County, Prince George's County 11,122
20608 Aquasco CDP, Eagle Harbor town Prince George's County 734
20609 St. Mary's County 1,611
20611 Charles County 1,111
20612 Benedict CDP Charles County 132
20613 Accokeek CDP, Aquasco CDP, Baden CDP, Brandywine CDP, Cedarville CDP, Croom CDP, Rosaryville CDP Charles County, Prince George's County 14,595
20615 Broomes Island CDP Calvert County 583
20616 Bryans Road CDP Charles County 6,934
20617 Bryantown CDP Charles County 521
20618 St. Mary's County 941
20619 California CDP, Wildewood CDP St. Mary's County 13,244
20620 Callaway CDP St. Mary's County 1,488
20621 St. Mary's County 786
20622 Charlotte Hall CDP Charles County, St. Mary's County 6,005
20623 Rosaryville CDP Prince George's County 2,534
20624 St. Mary's County 859
20625 Cobb Island CDP Charles County 1,065
20626 St. Mary's County 224
20628 St. Mary's County 586
20629 Solomons CDP Calvert County 864
20630 St. Mary's County 305
20632 Charles County 656
20634 California CDP, Callaway CDP St. Mary's County 8,198
20636 St. Mary's County 10,421
20637 Hughesville CDP Charles County 6,223
20639 Huntingtown CDP, Prince Frederick CDP Calvert County 14,853
20640 Bryans Road CDP, Indian Head town, Potomac Heights CDP Charles County 10,853
20645 Charles County 711
20646 Bensville CDP, Bryans Road CDP, La Plata town, Pomfret CDP, Waldorf CDP Charles County 20,608
20650 Callaway CDP, Leonardtown town St. Mary's County 14,852
20653 California CDP, Lexington Park CDP St. Mary's County 26,480
20656 St. Mary's County 84
20657 Chesapeake Ranch Estates CDP, Drum Point CDP, Long Beach CDP, Lusby CDP, Solomons CDP Calvert County 20,420
20658 Charles County 929
20659 Charlotte Hall CDP, Golden Beach CDP, Mechanicsville CDP Charles County, St. Mary's County 23,990
20660 St. Mary's County 0
20661 Cobb Island CDP Charles County 0
20662 Charles County 2,437
20664 Cobb Island CDP, Rock Point CDP Charles County 3,327
20667 St. Mary's County 347
20670 Lexington Park CDP St. Mary's County 1,451
20674 Piney Point CDP, St. George Island CDP St. Mary's County 1,102
20675 Bensville CDP, Pomfret CDP, Waldorf CDP Charles County 1,772
20676 St. Leonard CDP Calvert County 3,036
20677 Port Tobacco Village town Charles County 2,165
20678 Prince Frederick CDP Calvert County 12,415
20680 St. Mary's County 671
20684 St. Mary's County 775
20685 Calvert Beach CDP, Long Beach CDP, St. Leonard CDP Calvert County 6,874
20686 St. Mary's County 1,135
20687 St. Mary's County 417
20688 Solomons CDP Calvert County 1,390
20689 Chesapeake Beach town Calvert County 2,331
20690 Piney Point CDP, Tall Timbers CDP St. Mary's County 886
20692 Tall Timbers CDP St. Mary's County 612
20693 Charles County 1,300
20695 Bensville CDP, La Plata town, Waldorf CDP Charles County 11,822
20701 Jessup CDP Anne Arundel County, Howard County 787
20705 Beltsville CDP, Calverton CDP, Konterra CDP, South Laurel CDP Montgomery County, Prince George's County 27,914
20706 East Riverdale CDP, Glenarden city, Glenn Dale CDP, Greenbelt city, Landover CDP, Lanham CDP, Mitchellville CDP, New Carrollton city, Seabrook CDP, Springdale CDP Prince George's County 44,305
20707 Burtonsville CDP, Calverton CDP, Konterra CDP, Laurel city, South Laurel CDP, West Laurel CDP Montgomery County, Prince George's County 36,020
20708 Bowie city, Laurel city, South Laurel CDP Prince George's County 27,262
20710 Bladensburg town, Edmonston town Prince George's County 9,699
20711 Anne Arundel County 7,299
20712 Brentwood town, Chillum CDP, Hyattsville city, Mount Rainier city Prince George's County 9,784
20714 Chesapeake Beach town, North Beach town Anne Arundel County, Calvert County 4,678
20715 Bowie city, Fairwood CDP, Glenn Dale CDP Prince George's County 26,880
20716 Bowie city, Fairwood CDP, Queen Anne CDP Prince George's County 22,390
20720 Bowie city, Fairwood CDP, Glenn Dale CDP, Lanham CDP, Mitchellville CDP Prince George's County 26,042
20721 Bowie city, Glenarden city, Lake Arbor CDP, Mitchellville CDP, Springdale CDP, Woodmore CDP Prince George's County 30,771
20722 Bladensburg town, Brentwood town, Colmar Manor town, Cottage City town, North Brentwood town Prince George's County 6,116
20723 Fulton CDP, North Laurel CDP, Scaggsville CDP Howard County 35,342
20724 Fort Meade CDP, Maryland City CDP Anne Arundel County 18,059
20732 Chesapeake Beach town Calvert County 10,447
20733 Deale CDP, Shady Side CDP Anne Arundel County 2,938
20735 Accokeek CDP, Andrews AFB CDP, Clinton CDP Prince George's County 39,181
20736 Chesapeake Beach town, Friendship CDP, North Beach town, Owings CDP Anne Arundel County, Calvert County 9,393
20737 College Park city, East Riverdale CDP, Edmonston town, Greenbelt city, Hyattsville city, Riverdale Park town, University Park town, Woodlawn CDP Prince George's County 23,562
20740 Adelphi CDP, Beltsville CDP, Berwyn Heights town, College Park city, Greenbelt city, Riverdale Park town Prince George's County 37,168
20742 College Park city Prince George's County 4,188
20743 Capitol Heights town, Cedar Heights CDP, Coral Hills CDP, Fairmount Heights town, Forestville CDP, Largo CDP, Maryland Park CDP, Peppermill Village CDP, Seat Pleasant city, Summerfield CDP, Walker Mill CDP, Westphalia CDP Prince George's County 38,742
20744 Camp Springs CDP, Clinton CDP, Fort Washington CDP, Friendly CDP, Glassmanor CDP, Marlow Heights CDP, National Harbor CDP, Oxon Hill CDP, Temple Hills CDP Prince George's County 56,185
20745 Forest Heights town, Glassmanor CDP, Hillcrest Heights CDP, Marlow Heights CDP, National Harbor CDP, Oxon Hill CDP Prince George's County 29,736
20746 Andrews AFB CDP, Camp Springs CDP, Forestville CDP, Marlow Heights CDP, Morningside town, Silver Hill CDP, Suitland CDP, Westphalia CDP Prince George's County 27,669
20747 Camp Springs CDP, Coral Hills CDP, District Heights city, Forestville CDP, Suitland CDP, Walker Mill CDP Prince George's County 41,445
20748 Camp Springs CDP, Clinton CDP, Glassmanor CDP, Hillcrest Heights CDP, Marlow Heights CDP, Oxon Hill CDP, Silver Hill CDP, Temple Hills CDP Prince George's County 40,644
20751 Deale CDP Anne Arundel County 2,055
20754 Dunkirk CDP, Friendship CDP Anne Arundel County, Calvert County 7,108
20755 Fort Meade CDP, Severn CDP Anne Arundel County 11,253
20758 Friendship CDP Anne Arundel County, Calvert County 633
20759 Fulton CDP, Highland CDP Howard County 5,935
20762 Andrews AFB CDP Prince George's County 3,419
20763 Savage CDP Howard County 2,518
20764 Shady Side CDP Anne Arundel County 3,371
20765 Galesville CDP Anne Arundel County 548
20769 Glenn Dale CDP, Seabrook CDP Prince George's County 6,831
20770 Berwyn Heights town, Greenbelt city, Seabrook CDP Prince George's County 28,820
20771 Prince George's County 0
20772 Baden CDP, Brock Hall CDP, Brown Station CDP, Croom CDP, Marlboro Meadows CDP, Marlboro Village CDP, Marlton CDP, Melwood CDP, Queensland CDP, Rosaryville CDP, Upper Marlboro town, Westphalia CDP Prince George's County 53,161
20774 Bowie city, Brock Hall CDP, Brown Station CDP, Glenarden city, Kettering CDP, Lake Arbor CDP, Largo CDP, Marlboro Meadows CDP, Marlboro Village CDP, Queen Anne CDP, Springdale CDP, Westphalia CDP Prince George's County 50,483
20776 Anne Arundel County 2,921
20777 Ashton-Sandy Spring CDP, Highland CDP Howard County, Montgomery County 3,312
20778 Galesville CDP, Shady Side CDP Anne Arundel County 2,287
20779 Deale CDP, Friendship CDP Anne Arundel County 1,041
20781 Bladensburg town, Cheverly town, Colmar Manor town, Cottage City town, East Riverdale CDP, Edmonston town, Hyattsville city, Riverdale Park town Prince George's County 12,940
20782 Adelphi CDP, Chillum CDP, College Park city, Hyattsville city, Mount Rainier city, University Park town Prince George's County 34,492
20783 Adelphi CDP, Beltsville CDP, Chillum CDP, College Park city, Hillandale CDP, Hyattsville city, Langley Park CDP Montgomery County, Prince George's County 49,648
20784 Bladensburg town, Cheverly town, East Riverdale CDP, Landover CDP, Landover Hills town, New Carrollton city, Seabrook CDP, Woodlawn CDP Prince George's County 32,355
20785 Cheverly town, Glenarden city, Landover CDP, Summerfield CDP Prince George's County 41,655
20794 Elkridge CDP, Fort Meade CDP, Jessup CDP, Savage CDP, Severn CDP Anne Arundel County, Howard County 17,062
20812 Brookmont CDP, Cabin John CDP, Glen Echo town Montgomery County 291
20814 Bethesda CDP, Chevy Chase CDP, Garrett Park town, North Bethesda CDP, South Kensington CDP Montgomery County 29,685
20815 Bethesda CDP, Chevy Chase town, Chevy Chase CDP, Chevy Chase Section Five village, Chevy Chase Section Three village, Chevy Chase Village town, Friendship Heights Village CDP, Martin's Additions village, North Chevy Chase village, Silver Spring CDP, Somerset town Montgomery County 31,235
20816 Bethesda CDP, Brookmont CDP, Glen Echo town, Somerset town Montgomery County 17,433
20817 Bethesda CDP, Cabin John CDP, North Bethesda CDP, Potomac CDP Montgomery County 38,286
20818 Cabin John CDP Montgomery County 1,934
20832 Olney CDP Montgomery County 25,852
20833 Ashton-Sandy Spring CDP, Brookeville town, Olney CDP Howard County, Montgomery County 8,054
20837 Poolesville town Montgomery County 6,604
20838 Barnesville town Montgomery County 362
20839 Montgomery County 161
20841 Clarksburg CDP, Germantown CDP, Ten Mile Creek CDP Montgomery County 9,760
20842 Frederick County, Montgomery County 1,824
20850 Derwood CDP, Gaithersburg city, North Potomac CDP, Rockville city, Travilah CDP Montgomery County 51,707
20851 Aspen Hill CDP, North Bethesda CDP, Rockville city Montgomery County 14,840
20852 North Bethesda CDP, Potomac CDP, Rockville city Montgomery County 48,194
20853 Aspen Hill CDP, Olney CDP, Rockville city, Wheaton CDP Montgomery County 31,670
20854 Darnestown CDP, Potomac CDP, Rockville city, Travilah CDP Montgomery County 49,684
20855 Derwood CDP, Olney CDP, Redland CDP, Rockville city Montgomery County 17,123
20860 Ashton-Sandy Spring CDP, Olney CDP Montgomery County 2,237
20861 Ashton-Sandy Spring CDP, Cloverly CDP Montgomery County 3,195
20862 Ashton-Sandy Spring CDP Montgomery County 444
20866 Burtonsville CDP, Cloverly CDP, Fairland CDP Montgomery County 16,791
20868 Burtonsville CDP, Cloverly CDP, Spencerville CDP Montgomery County 624
20871 Clarksburg CDP, Green Valley CDP, Ten Mile Creek CDP Frederick County, Montgomery County 26,366
20872 Clarksburg CDP, Damascus CDP Montgomery County 12,835
20874 Darnestown CDP, Germantown CDP Montgomery County 62,270
20876 Clarksburg CDP, Germantown CDP Montgomery County 25,963
20877 Flower Hill CDP, Gaithersburg city, Montgomery Village CDP, Redland CDP, Rockville city, Washington Grove town Montgomery County 37,094
20878 Darnestown CDP, Gaithersburg city, Germantown CDP, North Potomac CDP, Travilah CDP Montgomery County 65,999
20879 Flower Hill CDP, Gaithersburg city, Germantown CDP, Montgomery Village CDP, Redland CDP Montgomery County 27,244
20880 Redland CDP, Washington Grove town Montgomery County 700
20882 Damascus CDP, Laytonsville town Montgomery County 14,301
20886 Gaithersburg city, Montgomery Village CDP Montgomery County 34,436
20889 Bethesda CDP Montgomery County 407
20892 Bethesda CDP Montgomery County 0
20894 Bethesda CDP Montgomery County 0
20895 Bethesda CDP, Chevy Chase View town, Kensington town, North Bethesda CDP, North Kensington CDP, South Kensington CDP, Wheaton CDP Montgomery County 19,051
20896 Garrett Park town, North Bethesda CDP, South Kensington CDP Montgomery County 892
20899 Gaithersburg city Montgomery County 322
20901 Burnt Mills CDP, Forest Glen CDP, Four Corners CDP, Hillandale CDP, Kemp Mill CDP, Silver Spring CDP, Takoma Park city, White Oak CDP Montgomery County 36,493
20902 Forest Glen CDP, Glenmont CDP, Kemp Mill CDP, North Kensington CDP, Wheaton CDP Montgomery County 53,476
20903 Adelphi CDP, Burnt Mills CDP, Hillandale CDP, Langley Park CDP, Silver Spring CDP, Takoma Park city, White Oak CDP Montgomery County, Prince George's County 26,728
20904 Beltsville CDP, Calverton CDP, Cloverly CDP, Colesville CDP, Fairland CDP, Kemp Mill CDP, White Oak CDP Montgomery County, Prince George's County 55,912
20905 Ashton-Sandy Spring CDP, Burtonsville CDP, Cloverly CDP, Fairland CDP, Layhill CDP, Spencerville CDP Montgomery County 17,984
20906 Aspen Hill CDP, Cloverly CDP, Glenmont CDP, Layhill CDP, Leisure World CDP, Olney CDP, Wheaton CDP Montgomery County 70,985
20910 Forest Glen CDP, Silver Spring CDP, South Kensington CDP, Takoma Park city, Wheaton CDP Montgomery County 44,812
20912 Chillum CDP, Langley Park CDP, Silver Spring CDP, Takoma Park city Montgomery County, Prince George's County 26,120
21001 Aberdeen city, Perryman CDP, Riverside CDP Harford County 25,708
21005 Aberdeen city, Aberdeen Proving Ground CDP Harford County 2,862
21009 Abingdon CDP, Bel Air South CDP, Edgewood CDP, Riverside CDP Harford County 31,964
21010 Edgewood CDP Harford County 272
21012 Arnold CDP, Cape St. Claire CDP, Severna Park CDP Anne Arundel County 23,536
21013 Fallston CDP Baltimore County, Harford County 5,297
21014 Bel Air town, Bel Air North CDP, Bel Air South CDP, Pleasant Hills CDP Harford County 36,247
21015 Bel Air North CDP, Bel Air South CDP, Riverside CDP Harford County 30,781
21017 Riverside CDP Harford County 5,816
21023 Baltimore County 58
21028 Harford County 2,562
21029 Columbia CDP, Fulton CDP, Highland CDP Howard County 13,507
21030 Cockeysville CDP Baltimore County 25,900
21031 Cockeysville CDP Baltimore County 26
21032 Arden on the Severn CDP, Crofton CDP, Crownsville CDP, Herald Harbor CDP Anne Arundel County 7,594
21034 Darlington CDP Harford County 2,988
21035 Riva CDP Anne Arundel County 8,404
21036 Howard County 1,995
21037 Annapolis Neck CDP, Edgewater CDP, Mayo CDP, Parole CDP, Riva CDP Anne Arundel County 21,420
21040 Edgewood CDP Harford County 24,811
21042 Columbia CDP, Ellicott City CDP Howard County 42,952
21043 Catonsville CDP, Columbia CDP, Ellicott City CDP, Ilchester CDP Baltimore County, Howard County 47,358
21044 Columbia CDP Howard County 44,662
21045 Columbia CDP, Ellicott City CDP Howard County 40,522
21046 Columbia CDP Howard County 15,484
21047 Bel Air North CDP, Fallston CDP, Jarrettsville CDP, Pleasant Hills CDP Harford County 13,279
21048 Eldersburg CDP Carroll County 10,084
21050 Bel Air North CDP, Fallston CDP, Jarrettsville CDP Harford County 18,193
21051 Baltimore County 149
21052 Edgemere CDP Baltimore County 670
21053 Baltimore County 3,126
21054 Crofton CDP, Gambrills CDP, Odenton CDP Anne Arundel County 14,479
21056 Anne Arundel County 274
21057 Carney CDP Baltimore County 4,485
21060 Glen Burnie CDP, Pasadena CDP, Riviera Beach CDP Anne Arundel County 37,038
21061 Ferndale CDP, Glen Burnie CDP, Linthicum CDP, Severn CDP Anne Arundel County 55,960
21071 Baltimore County 463
21074 Hampstead town Baltimore County, Carroll County 14,887
21075 Columbia CDP, Elkridge CDP, Ilchester CDP, Jessup CDP Howard County 35,516
21076 Elkridge CDP, Fort Meade CDP, Severn CDP Anne Arundel County, Howard County 19,684
21077 Severn CDP Anne Arundel County 76
21078 Aberdeen city, Havre de Grace city Harford County 19,760
21082 Pleasant Hills CDP Baltimore County, Harford County 740
21084 Jarrettsville CDP Harford County 7,254
21085 Edgewood CDP, Joppatowne CDP, Pleasant Hills CDP Baltimore County, Harford County 16,350
21087 Kingsville CDP, Perry Hall CDP, Pleasant Hills CDP Baltimore County, Harford County 5,740
21090 Linthicum CDP Anne Arundel County 9,921
21093 Cockeysville CDP, Hampton CDP, Lutherville CDP, Mays Chapel CDP, Pikesville CDP, Timonium CDP, Towson CDP Baltimore County 39,817
21102 Manchester town Baltimore County, Carroll County 12,193
21104 Eldersburg CDP, Ellicott City CDP Baltimore County, Carroll County, Howard County 6,212
21105 Baltimore County 0
21108 Gambrills CDP, Glen Burnie CDP, Odenton CDP, Severna Park CDP Anne Arundel County 17,133
21111 Baltimore County, Harford County 5,155
21113 Fort Meade CDP, Odenton CDP, Severn CDP Anne Arundel County 35,242
21114 Crofton CDP Anne Arundel County 25,955
21117 Garrison CDP, Owings Mills CDP, Randallstown CDP, Reisterstown CDP Baltimore County 59,321
21120 Baltimore County 7,243
21122 Glen Burnie CDP, Lake Shore CDP, Pasadena CDP, Riviera Beach CDP, Severna Park CDP Anne Arundel County 61,212
21128 Honeygo CDP, Perry Hall CDP, White Marsh CDP Baltimore County 14,987
21130 Perryman CDP Harford County 66
21131 Cockeysville CDP Baltimore County 7,678
21132 Pylesville CDP Harford County 3,115
21133 Milford Mill CDP, Owings Mills CDP, Randallstown CDP Baltimore County 31,383
21136 Owings Mills CDP, Reisterstown CDP Baltimore County, Carroll County 35,306
21140 Riva CDP Anne Arundel County 4,063
21144 Fort Meade CDP, Gambrills CDP, Odenton CDP, Severn CDP Anne Arundel County 36,625
21146 Arnold CDP, Severna Park CDP Anne Arundel County 28,410
21152 Baltimore County 6,420
21153 Garrison CDP, Pikesville CDP Baltimore County 684
21154 Pylesville CDP Harford County 7,002
21155 Baltimore County, Carroll County 2,803
21156 Kingsville CDP Baltimore County 381
21157 Westminster city Carroll County 39,978
21158 Westminster city Carroll County 22,221
21160 Pylesville CDP Harford County 2,809
21161 Baltimore County, Harford County 5,965
21162 Honeygo CDP, Middle River CDP, White Marsh CDP Baltimore County 4,640
21163 Ellicott City CDP, Randallstown CDP Baltimore County, Howard County 6,891
21201 Baltimore city Baltimore city 17,773
21202 Baltimore city Baltimore city 21,314
21204 Towson CDP Baltimore County 21,378
21205 Baltimore city Baltimore city 15,319
21206 Baltimore city, Overlea CDP, Rosedale CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 51,643
21207 Baltimore city, Lochearn CDP, Woodlawn CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 51,927
21208 Baltimore city, Garrison CDP, Lochearn CDP, Milford Mill CDP, Owings Mills CDP, Pikesville CDP, Randallstown CDP, Towson CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 36,447
21209 Baltimore city, Pikesville CDP, Towson CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 30,146
21210 Baltimore city, Towson CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 15,942
21211 Baltimore city Baltimore city 16,420
21212 Baltimore city, Towson CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 34,525
21213 Baltimore city Baltimore city 29,579
21214 Baltimore city Baltimore city 21,924
21215 Baltimore city, Lochearn CDP, Pikesville CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 52,550
21216 Baltimore city Baltimore city 27,643
21217 Baltimore city Baltimore city 31,694
21218 Baltimore city Baltimore city 47,081
21219 Dundalk CDP, Edgemere CDP Baltimore County 9,278
21220 Bowleys Quarters CDP, Essex CDP, Middle River CDP, Rossville CDP Baltimore County 41,627
21221 Essex CDP, Middle River CDP, Rosedale CDP Baltimore County 43,576
21222 Baltimore city, Dundalk CDP, Edgemere CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 59,622
21223 Baltimore city Baltimore city 20,531
21224 Baltimore city, Dundalk CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 46,110
21225 Baltimore city, Brooklyn Park CDP, Linthicum CDP Anne Arundel County, Baltimore city 34,362
21226 Baltimore city, Brooklyn Park CDP, Glen Burnie CDP, Pasadena CDP, Riviera Beach CDP Anne Arundel County, Baltimore city 6,210
21227 Arbutus CDP, Baltimore city, Baltimore Highlands CDP, Catonsville CDP, Lansdowne CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 34,471
21228 Arbutus CDP, Baltimore city, Catonsville CDP, Woodlawn CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 50,781
21229 Arbutus CDP, Baltimore city, Catonsville CDP, Woodlawn CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 43,933
21230 Baltimore city Baltimore city 33,995
21231 Baltimore city Baltimore city 15,746
21233 Baltimore city Baltimore city 0
21234 Baltimore city, Carney CDP, Hampton CDP, Overlea CDP, Parkville CDP, Perry Hall CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 66,011
21236 Baltimore city, Carney CDP, Overlea CDP, Perry Hall CDP, Rosedale CDP, Rossville CDP, White Marsh CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 39,876
21237 Baltimore city, Middle River CDP, Perry Hall CDP, Rosedale CDP, Rossville CDP, White Marsh CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 30,895
21239 Baltimore city, Parkville CDP, Towson CDP Baltimore County, Baltimore city 29,619
21240 Anne Arundel County 0
21244 Milford Mill CDP, Randallstown CDP, Woodlawn CDP Baltimore County 38,266
21250 Catonsville CDP Baltimore County 3,022
21251 Baltimore city Baltimore city 354
21252 Towson CDP Baltimore County 4,478
21285 Towson CDP Baltimore County 12
21286 Hampton CDP, Parkville CDP, Towson CDP Baltimore County 21,119
21287 Baltimore city Baltimore city 0
21401 Annapolis city, Annapolis Neck CDP, Crownsville CDP, Naval Academy CDP, Parole CDP Anne Arundel County 39,517
21402 Annapolis city, Naval Academy CDP Anne Arundel County 5,576
21403 Annapolis city, Annapolis Neck CDP, Highland Beach town Anne Arundel County 32,655
21405 Anne Arundel County 450
21409 Arnold CDP, Cape St. Claire CDP Anne Arundel County 19,878
21502 Bel Air CDP, Bier CDP, Bowling Green CDP, Bowmans Addition CDP, Corriganville CDP, Cresaptown CDP, Cumberland city, Ellerslie CDP, La Vale CDP, Pleasant Grove CDP, Potomac Park CDP, Spring Gap CDP Allegany County 42,049
21520 Accident town Garrett County 2,048
21521 Barton town, Moscow CDP, Nikep CDP Allegany County, Garrett County 1,449
21523 Bloomington CDP Garrett County 201
21524 Corriganville CDP Allegany County 741
21529 Ellerslie CDP Allegany County 557
21530 Flintstone CDP Allegany County 1,898
21531 Friendsville town Garrett County 1,880
21532 Carlos CDP, Clarysville CDP, Eckhart Mines CDP, Finzel CDP, Frostburg city, Gilmore CDP, Grahamtown CDP, Klondike CDP, Midland town, Midlothian CDP, National CDP, Ocean CDP, Shaft CDP, Vale Summit CDP, Woodland CDP, Zihlman CDP Allegany County, Garrett County 13,184
21536 Grantsville town, Jennings CDP Garrett County 3,855
21538 Kitzmiller town Garrett County 587
21539 Detmold CDP, Gilmore CDP, Lonaconing town, Nikep CDP Allegany County, Garrett County 2,396
21540 Luke town Allegany County, Garrett County 71
21541 Garrett County 1,500
21542 Midland town Allegany County 154
21543 Midlothian CDP Allegany County, Garrett County 335
21545 Barrelville CDP, Mount Savage CDP Allegany County 1,625
21550 Crellin CDP, Deer Park town, Gorman CDP, Hutton CDP, Loch Lynn Heights town, Mountain Lake Park town, Oakland town Garrett County 14,160
21555 Oldtown CDP, Spring Gap CDP Allegany County 1,455
21557 Bier CDP, Danville CDP, Dawson CDP, McCoole CDP, Rawlings CDP Allegany County 1,516
21560 Spring Gap CDP Allegany County 8
21561 Bloomington CDP, Swanton CDP Garrett County 2,355
21562 Franklin CDP, McCoole CDP, Westernport town Allegany County, Garrett County 3,093
21601 Easton town Talbot County 23,373
21607 Barclay town Queen Anne's County 640
21610 Betterton town Kent County 410
21612 Talbot County 716
21613 Algonquin CDP, Cambridge city Dorchester County 17,688
21617 Centreville town Queen Anne's County 10,270
21619 Chester CDP, Kent Narrows CDP Queen Anne's County 5,765
21620 Chesapeake Landing CDP, Chestertown town, Fairlee CDP, Georgetown CDP, Kingstown CDP, Tolchester CDP Kent County, Queen Anne's County 13,083
21622 Church Creek town, Fishing Creek CDP Dorchester County 645
21623 Church Hill town Queen Anne's County 2,478
21624 Talbot County 217
21625 Cordova CDP, Queen Anne town Talbot County 2,479
21626 Dorchester County 66
21627 Dorchester County 23
21628 Crumpton CDP Queen Anne's County 402
21629 Denton town, Hillsboro town, West Denton CDP, Williston CDP Caroline County 9,999
21631 East New Market town Dorchester County 2,770
21632 Federalsburg town Caroline County, Dorchester County 6,090
21634 Fishing Creek CDP Dorchester County 372
21635 Galena town Kent County 1,871
21636 Goldsboro town Caroline County 912
21638 Grasonville CDP, Kent Narrows CDP Queen Anne's County 5,125
21639 Greensboro town Caroline County 4,881
21640 Henderson town Caroline County, Queen Anne's County 1,627
21641 Hillsboro town Caroline County 122
21643 Hurlock town Dorchester County 5,332
21644 Queen Anne's County 15
21645 Kennedyville CDP Kent County 1,319
21647 Talbot County 447
21648 Madison CDP Dorchester County 116
21649 Henderson town, Marydel town, Templeville town Caroline County, Queen Anne's County 2,276
21650 Kent County 238
21651 Millington town Kent County, Queen Anne's County 2,488
21652 Talbot County 156
21653 Talbot County 100
21654 Oxford town Talbot County 1,183
21655 Choptank CDP, Preston town Caroline County, Dorchester County 4,679
21657 Queen Anne town Caroline County, Queen Anne's County, Talbot County 1,226
21658 Grasonville CDP, Queenstown town Queen Anne's County 3,678
21659 Brookview town, Eldorado town, Galestown town Dorchester County 1,163
21660 Ridgely town Caroline County 3,942
21661 Edesville CDP, Rock Hall town Kent County 2,667
21662 Talbot County 641
21663 St. Michaels town Talbot County 3,512
21664 Secretary town Dorchester County 648
21665 Tilghman Island CDP Talbot County 151
21666 Chester CDP, Romancoke CDP, Stevensville CDP Queen Anne's County 13,738
21667 Still Pond CDP Kent County 226
21668 Sudlersville town Queen Anne's County 1,645
21669 Taylors Island CDP Dorchester County 149
21671 Tilghman Island CDP Talbot County 816
21672 Dorchester County 162
21673 Trappe town Talbot County 2,875
21675 Dorchester County 62
21676 Talbot County 347
21677 Madison CDP Dorchester County 570
21678 Butlertown CDP, Worton CDP Kent County 1,704
21679 Queen Anne's County, Talbot County 261
21701 Ballenger Creek CDP, Frederick city, Libertytown CDP, Linganore CDP, Spring Ridge CDP Frederick County 40,203
21702 Braddock Heights CDP, Frederick city Frederick County 44,783
21703 Ballenger Creek CDP, Braddock Heights CDP, Buckeystown CDP, Frederick city Frederick County 39,438
21704 Ballenger Creek CDP, Bartonsville CDP, Buckeystown CDP, Frederick city, Urbana CDP Frederick County 17,372
21705 Frederick city Frederick County 6
21710 Adamstown CDP, Buckeystown CDP Frederick County 4,960
21711 Big Pool CDP, Ernstville CDP, Indian Springs CDP, Pecktonville CDP Washington County 1,087
21713 Bakersville CDP, Beaver Creek CDP, Boonsboro town, Breathedsville CDP, Fairplay CDP, Keedysville town, Mapleville CDP, Mount Lena CDP, San Mar CDP, Tilghmanton CDP Washington County 9,630
21714 Braddock Heights CDP Frederick County 292
21715 Brownsville CDP Washington County 34
21716 Brunswick city, Rosemont village Frederick County 6,594
21717 Buckeystown CDP Frederick County 181
21718 Burkittsville town Frederick County 131
21719 Fort Ritchie CDP, Highfield-Cascade CDP, Sabillasville CDP Frederick County, Washington County 971
21722 Big Spring CDP, Charlton CDP, Clear Spring town, Fairview CDP, Indian Springs CDP, Wilson-Conococheague CDP Washington County 6,296
21723 Howard County 725
21727 Emmitsburg town Frederick County 6,873
21733 Fairplay CDP, St. James CDP, Tilghmanton CDP Washington County 914
21734 Funkstown town Washington County 889
21737 Howard County 2,353
21738 Howard County 4,185
21740 Bagtown CDP, Beaver Creek CDP, Cearfoss CDP, Fairview CDP, Funkstown town, Hagerstown city, Halfway CDP, Kemps Mill CDP, Maugansville CDP, Mount Aetna CDP, Robinwood CDP, St. James CDP, Wilson-Conococheague CDP Washington County 63,413
21742 Fountainhead-Orchard Hills CDP, Hagerstown city, Jugtown CDP, Leitersburg CDP, Middleburg CDP, Mount Aetna CDP, Paramount-Long Meadow CDP, Pondsville CDP, Reid CDP, Ringgold CDP, Robinwood CDP Washington County 34,190
21746 Washington County 3,399
21750 Hancock town, Pecktonville CDP Washington County 3,782
21754 Bartonsville CDP, Green Valley CDP, Linganore CDP, Monrovia CDP, New Market town, Spring Ridge CDP, Urbana CDP Frederick County 6,847
21755 Braddock Heights CDP, Burkittsville town, Jefferson CDP Frederick County 5,697
21756 Eakles Mill CDP, Keedysville town, Mount Briar CDP, Rohrersville CDP, Trego-Rohrersville Station CDP Washington County 3,069
21757 Woodsboro town Carroll County, Frederick County 2,604
21758 Brownsville CDP, Brunswick city, Garretts Mill CDP, Rosemont village, Sandy Hook CDP, Yarrowsburg CDP Frederick County, Washington County 4,454
21762 Libertytown CDP Frederick County 184
21766 Little Orleans CDP Allegany County 522
21767 Maugansville CDP Washington County 592
21769 Braddock Heights CDP, Middletown town Frederick County, Washington County 12,486
21770 Green Valley CDP, Monrovia CDP, New Market town Frederick County 7,291
21771 Green Valley CDP, Mount Airy town Carroll County, Frederick County, Howard County, Montgomery County 31,755
21773 Myersville town Frederick County 5,357
21774 Linganore CDP, New Market town Frederick County 14,450
21776 New Windsor town Carroll County, Frederick County 6,146
21777 Point of Rocks CDP Frederick County 2,277
21778 Frederick County 681
21779 Gapland CDP, Rohrersville CDP Washington County 1,759
21780 Sabillasville CDP Frederick County, Washington County 2,024
21781 St. James CDP Washington County 43
21782 Antietam CDP, Bakersville CDP, Dargan CDP, Mercersville CDP, Sharpsburg town Washington County 4,358
21783 Cavetown CDP, Chewsville CDP, Edgemont CDP, Greensburg CDP, Jugtown CDP, Pondsville CDP, Ringgold CDP, Smithsburg town Frederick County, Washington County 9,793
21784 Eldersburg CDP, Sykesville town Carroll County, Howard County 36,809
21787 Taneytown city Carroll County, Frederick County 10,697
21788 Graceham CDP, Lewistown CDP, Thurmont town Frederick County 11,598
21790 Point of Rocks CDP Frederick County 11
21791 Libertytown CDP, Union Bridge town Carroll County, Frederick County 4,794
21793 Walkersville town, Woodsboro town Frederick County 10,862
21794 Howard County 2,162
21795 Downsville CDP, Halfway CDP, Kemps Mill CDP, Pinesburg CDP, Williamsport town, Wilson-Conococheague CDP Washington County 9,292
21797 Eldersburg CDP, Lisbon CDP Carroll County, Howard County, Montgomery County 8,755
21798 Woodsboro town Frederick County 2,627
21801 Fruitland city, Salisbury city Wicomico County, Worcester County 30,692
21804 Fruitland city, Salisbury city Wicomico County, Worcester County 38,566
21810 Allen CDP Wicomico County 433
21811 Berlin town, Newark CDP, Ocean Pines CDP, West Ocean City CDP, Whaleyville CDP Worcester County 24,187
21813 Bishopville CDP Worcester County 2,662
21814 Bivalve CDP, Jesterville CDP Wicomico County 180
21817 Crisfield city Somerset County 4,146
21821 Chance CDP, Dames Quarter CDP, Deal Island CDP Somerset County 732
21822 Allen CDP, Eden CDP, Fruitland city Somerset County, Wicomico County, Worcester County 2,364
21824 Smith Island CDP Somerset County 143
21826 Fruitland city Wicomico County 5,460
21829 Girdletree CDP, Stockton CDP Worcester County 365
21830 Hebron town, Quantico CDP Wicomico County 4,529
21835 Dorchester County 328
21837 Mardela Springs town Wicomico County 3,164
21838 Somerset County 1,931
21840 Jesterville CDP, Nanticoke CDP, Nanticoke Acres CDP, Waterview CDP Wicomico County 465
21841 Newark CDP Worcester County 1,085
21842 Ocean City town, West Ocean City CDP Worcester County 10,960
21849 Parsonsburg CDP Wicomico County 3,794
21850 Pittsville town, Powellville CDP Wicomico County 3,405
21851 Pocomoke City city, West Pocomoke CDP Somerset County, Worcester County 7,364
21853 Dames Quarter CDP, Mount Vernon CDP, Princess Anne town Somerset County 10,510
21856 Quantico CDP, Tyaskin CDP, Whitehaven CDP Wicomico County 1,145
21861 Sharptown town Wicomico County 738
21862 Worcester County 0
21863 Snow Hill town Worcester County 4,904
21864 Stockton CDP Worcester County 640
21865 Bivalve CDP, Tyaskin CDP, Whitehaven CDP Wicomico County 358
21866 Smith Island CDP Somerset County 95
21867 Fairmount CDP Somerset County 0
21869 Elliott CDP, Vienna town Dorchester County 990
21871 Fairmount CDP, Frenchtown-Rumbly CDP, West Pocomoke CDP Somerset County 1,799
21872 Whaleyville CDP Worcester County 573
21875 Delmar town, Salisbury city Wicomico County 7,052
21890 Somerset County 3,699
21901 Charlestown town, North East town Cecil County 18,635
21902 Perryville town Cecil County 216
21903 Perryville town Cecil County 5,658
21904 Perryville town, Port Deposit town Cecil County 6,386
21911 Rising Sun town Cecil County 11,108
21912 Cecilton town Cecil County, New Castle County 1,393
21913 Cecilton town Cecil County 935
21914 Charlestown town Cecil County 725
21915 Chesapeake City town Cecil County 2,776
21917 Cecil County 1,983
21918 Cecil County 4,428
21919 Cecil County 3,400
21920 Cecil County 910
21921 Elkton town, North East town Cecil County 44,793
21930 Cecil County 24

Census data for Maryland

Demographic estimates in Maryland

Total population
Total population6,148,545
Population by age
Under 18 years1,373,149
18 to 65 years3,825,506
65 years and over949,890
Median age (years)38.9
Population by race
Total population6,148,545
One race5,816,770
   Black or African American1,833,987
   American Indian and Alaska Native17,266
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander2,928
   Some other race326,831
Two or more races331,775

Economic characteristics in Maryland

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households2,294,270
Less than $10,000104,364
$10,000 to $24,999176,890
$25,000 to $49,999334,835
$50,000 to $99,999626,374
$100,000 to $149,999444,459
$150,000 to $199,999263,465
$200,000 or more343,883
Median household income (dollars)91,431

Housing characteristics in Maryland

Housing occupancy
Total housing units2,516,341
Occupied housing units2,294,270
Vacant housing units222,071
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units2,294,270
Owner-occupied units1,543,719
Less than $50,00042,221
$50,000 to $99,99947,171
$100,000 to $149,99980,784
$150,000 to $199,999128,946
$200,000 to $299,999344,556
$300,000 to $499,999547,808
$500,000 to $999,999298,470
$1,000,000 or more53,763
Median (dollars)338,500
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent725,476
Less than $50048,110
$500 to $99996,078
$1,000 to $1,499225,618
$1,500 to $1,999212,243
$2,000 to $2,49991,409
$2,500 to $2,99929,745
$3,000 or more22,273
Median (dollars)1,485
No rent paid25,075

How many ZIP Codes are in Maryland?

There are 477 ZIP Codes in Maryland.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in the Maryland?

The largest ZIP Code in Maryland is 20906 with a population of 70,985.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Maryland:
  • 20906
  • 21234
  • 20878
  • 21740
  • 20874