Wichita County, Texas richest cities

Number of cities: 6
Median household income: 53,272
Richest city: Pleasant Valley
Table of cities in Wichita County, Texas sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Pleasant Valleytown78,333
Cashion Communitycity58,250
Iowa Parkcity56,517
Wichita Fallscity50,856

What is the richest city in Wichita County, Texas?

Pleasant Valley is the richest city in Wichita County, Texas with median household income of 78,333.

TOP-5 richest cities in Wichita County, Texas:
  • Pleasant Valley
  • Cashion Community
  • Iowa Park
  • Burkburnett
  • Wichita Falls