Berks County, Pennsylvania demographics

Population: 426,967
Median age: 40.0

Median household income: 69,272

Demographics, population, home values, social and economic characteristics of Berks County, Pennsylvania.



Berks County, PA cities

Adamstown borough - 2,398

Alleghenyville CDP - 963

Alsace Manor CDP - 347

Amity Gardens CDP - 4,038

Bally borough - 1,167

Baumstown CDP - 131

Bechtelsville borough - 873

Bernville borough - 848

Bethel CDP - 256

Birdsboro borough - 5,119

Blandon CDP - 7,836

Bowers CDP - 291

Boyertown borough - 4,242

Centerport borough - 320

Colony Park CDP - 1,112

Dauberville CDP - 669

Douglassville CDP - 419

Dryville CDP - 117

Edenburg CDP - 700

Fleetwood borough - 4,059

Flying Hills CDP - 1,950

Fox Chase CDP - 1,764

Frystown CDP - 138

Gibraltar CDP - 745

Gouglersville CDP - 522

Greenfields CDP - 1,211

Grill CDP - 1,975

Hamburg borough - 4,317

Hereford CDP - 1,554

Hyde Park CDP - 2,250

Jacksonwald CDP - 4,157

Kempton CDP - 129

Kenhorst borough - 2,983

Kutztown borough - 4,257

Kutztown University CDP - 3,843

Laureldale borough - 4,226

Leesport borough - 2,177

Lenhartsville borough - 162

Lincoln Park CDP - 1,669

Lorane CDP - 4,620

Lyons borough - 523

Mertztown CDP - 817

Mohnton borough - 2,934

Mohrsville CDP - 575

Montrose Manor CDP - 467

Morgantown CDP - 1,509

Mount Aetna CDP - 463

Mount Penn borough - 3,213

Muhlenberg Park CDP - 1,324

New Berlinville CDP - 1,731

New Jerusalem CDP - 538

New Morgan borough - 110

New Schaefferstown CDP - 170

Oley CDP - 958

Pennside CDP - 5,425

Pennwyn CDP - 577

Reading city - 94,161

Rehrersburg CDP - 232

Reiffton CDP - 4,102

Riverview Park CDP - 3,699

Robesonia borough - 2,024

Schubert CDP - 143

Shartlesville CDP - 424

Shillington borough - 5,470

Shoemakersville borough - 1,392

Sinking Spring borough - 4,257

South Temple CDP - 1,773

Spring Ridge CDP - 786

Springmont CDP - 1,590

St. Lawrence borough - 1,832

Stony Creek Mills CDP - 722

Stouchsburg CDP - 352

Strausstown CDP - 295

Temple CDP - 2,092

Topton borough - 2,243

Virginville CDP - 224

Walnuttown CDP - 524

Wernersville borough - 2,780

West Hamburg CDP - 2,031

West Lawn CDP - 1,592

West Reading borough - 4,496

West Wyomissing CDP - 3,298

Whitfield CDP - 5,275

Womelsdorf borough - 2,894

Wyomissing borough - 11,026

Census data for Berks County, Pennsylvania

Demographic and housing estimates in Berks County, Pennsylvania

Total population
Total population426,967
Population by age
Total population426,967
Under 5 years24,119
5 to 9 years27,076
10 to 14 years27,390
15 to 19 years30,171
20 to 24 years27,355
25 to 34 years52,875
35 to 44 years50,213
45 to 54 years55,684
55 to 59 years31,027
60 to 64 years27,984
65 to 74 years42,425
75 to 84 years20,584
85 years and over10,064
Median age (years)40.0
Under 18 years96,040
16 years and over342,555
18 years and over330,927
21 years and over312,270
62 years and over89,762
65 years and over73,073
Population by race
Total population426,967
One race396,406
   Black or African American22,691
   American Indian and Alaska Native1,348
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander69
   Some other race34,638
Two or more races30,561
Citizen, voting age population
Citizen, VOTING AGE 18 and over population317,537
Male Citizen, VOTING AGE 18 and over population155,695
Female Citizen, VOTING AGE 18 and over population161,842

Social characteristics in Berks County, Pennsylvania

Households by type
Total households160,065
Family households (families)78,188
Married-couple family13,755
Male householder, no wife present, family27,222
Female householder, no husband present, family19,678
Nonfamily households40,900
Average household size51,225
Average family size2.59

Economic characteristics in Berks County, Pennsylvania

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households160,065
Less than $10,0007,618
$10,000 to $14,9995,733
$15,000 to $24,99911,779
$25,000 to $34,99914,082
$35,000 to $49,99917,739
$50,000 to $74,99928,921
$75,000 to $99,99922,785
$100,000 to $149,99928,286
$150,000 to $199,99912,287
$200,000 or more10,835
Median household income (dollars)69,272

Housing characteristics in Berks County, Pennsylvania

Housing occupancy
Total housing units170,123
Occupied housing units160,065
Vacant housing units10,058
Units in structure
Total housing units170,123
1-unit, detached94,803
1-unit, attached39,638
2 units6,738
3 or 4 units7,922
5 to 9 units4,784
10 to 19 units4,091
20 or more units7,290
Mobile home4,826
Boat, RV, van, etc.31
Year structure built
Total housing units170,123
Built 2014 or later129
Built 2010 to 20135,600
Built 2000 to 200916,858
Built 1990 to 199919,844
Built 1980 to 198917,975
Built 1970 to 197921,777
Built 1960 to 196914,547
Built 1950 to 195918,502
Built 1940 to 19499,413
Built 1939 or earlier45,478
Total housing units170,123
1 room3,173
2 rooms2,384
3 rooms10,964
4 rooms18,537
5 rooms23,208
6 rooms35,194
7 rooms26,686
8 rooms21,676
9 rooms or more28,301
Median rooms6.3
Total housing units170,123
No bedroom3,474
1 bedroom15,365
2 bedrooms32,341
3 bedrooms71,951
4 bedrooms36,971
5 or more bedrooms10,021
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units160,065
Average household size of owner-occupied unit2.66
Average household size of renter-occupied unit2.40
Year householder moved into unit
Occupied housing units160,065
Moved in 2017 or later12,921
Moved in 2015 to 201640,063
Moved in 2010 to 201424,949
Moved in 2000 to 200935,817
Moved in 1990 to 199921,791
Moved in 1989 and earlier24,524
Owner-occupied units113,562
Less than $50,0006,774
$50,000 to $99,99910,669
$100,000 to $149,99917,672
$150,000 to $199,99923,284
$200,000 to $299,99933,243
$300,000 to $499,99917,676
$500,000 to $999,9993,669
$1,000,000 or more575
Median (dollars)195,900
Mortgage status
Owner-occupied units113,562
Housing units with a mortgage72,094
Housing units without a mortgage41,468
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent44,732
Less than $5004,882
$500 to $99918,137
$1,000 to $1,49916,067
$1,500 to $1,9994,326
$2,000 to $2,499688
$2,500 to $2,999243
$3,000 or more389
Median (dollars)985
No rent paid1,771

Demographic data for Berks County, PA and each city in the county. Lists of cities by population, wealth and poverty in Berks County, PA.


US demographics

Pennsylvania demographics

Armstrong County

Beaver County

Bedford County

Blair County

Bradford County

Bucks County