Essex County, New Jersey richest cities

Number of cities: 11
Median household income: 67,826
Richest city: Essex Fells
Table of cities in Essex County, New Jersey sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Essex Fellsborough250,001
Short HillsCDP250,001
Glen Ridgeborough243,899
Upper MontclairCDP235,637
North Caldwellborough172,419
Silver LakeCDP55,690
East Orangecity54,520

What is the richest city in Essex County, New Jersey?

Essex Fells is the richest city in Essex County, New Jersey with median household income of 250,001.

TOP-5 richest cities in Essex County, New Jersey:
  • Essex Fells
  • Short Hills
  • Glen Ridge
  • Upper Montclair
  • North Caldwell