Clay County, Florida richest cities

Number of cities: 10
Median household income: 74,059
Richest city: Fleming Island
Table of cities in Clay County, Florida sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Fleming IslandCDP103,019
Oakleaf PlantationCDP93,738
Asbury LakeCDP76,507
Orange Parktown70,929
Keystone Heightscity61,250
Green Cove Springscity59,200
Penney Farmstown58,188
Bellair-Meadowbrook TerraceCDP52,740

What is the richest city in Clay County, Florida?

Fleming Island is the richest city in Clay County, Florida with median household income of 103,019.

TOP-5 richest cities in Clay County, Florida:
  • Fleming Island
  • Oakleaf Plantation
  • Asbury Lake
  • Lakeside
  • Orange Park