Clay County, Florida cities by population

Number of cities: 10
Population: 216,308
Largest city: Lakeside
Table of cities in Clay County, Florida sorted by population from largest to smallest.
Fleming IslandCDP29,505
Oakleaf PlantationCDP28,808
Bellair-Meadowbrook TerraceCDP14,289
Asbury LakeCDP11,629
Green Cove Springscity9,351
Orange Parktown8,682
Keystone Heightscity1,489
Penney Farmstown680

What is the largest city in Clay County, Florida?

Lakeside is the largest city in Clay County, Florida with a population of 31,125.

TOP-5 cities by population in Clay County, Florida:
  • Lakeside
  • Fleming Island
  • Oakleaf Plantation
  • Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace
  • Middleburg