Orangeburg County, South Carolina ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 47
Cities: 29
Population: 84,909
Table of Orangeburg County, SC ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
29018 Bowman town 820
29432 Branchville town 1,158
29030 Cameron town 484
29038 Cope town 24
29039 Cordova town 174
29115 Brookdale CDP, Edisto CDP, Orangeburg city, Wilkinson Heights CDP 1,991
29047 Elloree town 980
29048 Eutawville town 419
29477 Grover CDP, St. George town 383
29059 Holly Hill town 1,346
29107 Livingston town, Neeses town 316
29112 Livingston town, North town, Swansea town, Woodford town 810
29113 Norway town 376
29471 Reevesville town 317
29133 Rowesville town 427
29137 Perry town, Salley town 270
29142 Santee town 1,029
29146 Springfield town 546
29477 Grover CDP, St. George town 2,185
29135 St. Matthews town 2,038
29163 Vance town 83
29115 Brookdale CDP, Edisto CDP, Orangeburg city, Wilkinson Heights CDP 1,995
29112 Livingston town, North town, Swansea town, Woodford town 140
29018 Bowman town 3,501
29030 Cameron town 2,096
29038 Cope town 2,336
29039 Cordova town 3,284
29047 Elloree town 3,329
29048 Eutawville town 5,051
29059 Holly Hill town 5,312
29107 Livingston town, Neeses town 2,870
29112 Livingston town, North town, Swansea town, Woodford town 3,466
29113 Norway town 2,129
29115 Brookdale CDP, Edisto CDP, Orangeburg city, Wilkinson Heights CDP 26,678
29117 Orangeburg city 641
29118 Brookdale CDP, Orangeburg city 16,387
29133 Rowesville town 753
29135 St. Matthews town 8,766
29137 Perry town, Salley town 2,011
29142 Santee town 5,142
29146 Springfield town 1,215
29160 Gaston town, Swansea town 6,882
29163 Vance town 1,608
29432 Branchville town 2,625
29436 4,474
29471 Reevesville town 1,357
29477 Grover CDP, St. George town 7,006

Census data for Orangeburg County, South Carolina

Demographic estimates in Orangeburg County, South Carolina

Total population
Total population84,909
Population by age
Under 18 years18,770
18 to 65 years49,297
65 years and over16,842
Median age (years)40.6
Population by race
Total population84,909
One race83,628
   Black or African American52,461
   American Indian and Alaska Native371
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander123
   Some other race271
Two or more races1,281

Economic characteristics in Orangeburg County, South Carolina

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households32,164
Less than $10,0003,988
$10,000 to $24,9997,081
$25,000 to $49,9998,955
$50,000 to $99,9998,012
$100,000 to $149,9992,720
$150,000 to $199,999810
$200,000 or more598
Median household income (dollars)38,052

Housing characteristics in Orangeburg County, South Carolina

Housing occupancy
Total housing units41,384
Occupied housing units32,164
Vacant housing units9,220
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units32,164
Owner-occupied units21,423
Less than $50,0005,502
$50,000 to $99,9995,918
$100,000 to $149,9993,740
$150,000 to $199,9992,598
$200,000 to $299,9992,192
$300,000 to $499,9991,045
$500,000 to $999,999297
$1,000,000 or more131
Median (dollars)92,800
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent8,022
Less than $5001,306
$500 to $9995,423
$1,000 to $1,4991,043
$1,500 to $1,999230
$2,000 to $2,4990
$2,500 to $2,99920
$3,000 or more0
Median (dollars)738
No rent paid2,719

How many ZIP Codes are in Orangeburg County, SC?

There are 47 ZIP Codes in Orangeburg County, SC.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Orangeburg County, SC?

The largest ZIP Code in Orangeburg County, SC is 29115 with a population of 26,678.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Orangeburg County, SC:
  • 29115
  • 29118
  • 29135
  • 29477
  • 29160

US ZIP Codes

South Carolina ZIP Codes