Klamath County, Oregon ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 36
Cities: 21
Population: 68,899
Table of Klamath County, OR ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
97603 Altamont CDP, Falcon Heights CDP, Keno CDP, Klamath Falls city 19,569
97621 Beatty CDP 18
97731 Beaver Marsh CDP, Chemult CDP 166
97622 Bly CDP 185
97623 Bonanza town 477
97731 Beaver Marsh CDP, Chemult CDP 176
97624 Chiloquin city, Oregon Shores CDP, Sprague River CDP 610
97733 Crescent CDP, Crescent Lake CDP 370
97733 Crescent CDP, Crescent Lake CDP 0
97603 Altamont CDP, Falcon Heights CDP, Keno CDP, Klamath Falls city 781
97626 Fort Klamath CDP 90
97737 Gilchrist CDP 133
97739 La Pine city 2,390
97632 Malin city 839
97633 Merrill city 749
97624 Chiloquin city, Oregon Shores CDP, Sprague River CDP 401
97601 Keno CDP, Klamath Falls city, Rocky Point CDP, Running Y Ranch CDP 244
97601 Keno CDP, Klamath Falls city, Rocky Point CDP, Running Y Ranch CDP 901
97601 Keno CDP, Klamath Falls city, Rocky Point CDP, Running Y Ranch CDP 22,967
97603 Altamont CDP, Falcon Heights CDP, Keno CDP, Klamath Falls city 30,950
97604 0
97621 Beatty CDP 199
97622 Bly CDP 310
97623 Bonanza town 2,677
97624 Chiloquin city, Oregon Shores CDP, Sprague River CDP 3,958
97625 161
97626 Fort Klamath CDP 112
97627 Keno CDP 671
97632 Malin city 1,585
97633 Merrill city 1,287
97634 435
97639 Sprague River CDP 42
97731 Beaver Marsh CDP, Chemult CDP 453
97733 Crescent CDP, Crescent Lake CDP 542
97737 Gilchrist CDP 331
97739 La Pine city 12,896

Census data for Klamath County, Oregon

Demographic estimates in Klamath County, Oregon

Total population
Total population68,899
Population by age
Under 18 years15,035
18 to 65 years39,269
65 years and over14,595
Median age (years)41.4
Population by race
Total population68,899
One race63,339
   Black or African American480
   American Indian and Alaska Native2,529
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander177
   Some other race1,958
Two or more races5,560

Economic characteristics in Klamath County, Oregon

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households28,027
Less than $10,0002,404
$10,000 to $24,9994,612
$25,000 to $49,9996,850
$50,000 to $99,9998,500
$100,000 to $149,9993,595
$150,000 to $199,9991,326
$200,000 or more740
Median household income (dollars)50,790

Housing characteristics in Klamath County, Oregon

Housing occupancy
Total housing units32,741
Occupied housing units28,027
Vacant housing units4,714
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units28,027
Owner-occupied units18,456
Less than $50,0001,620
$50,000 to $99,9991,874
$100,000 to $149,9992,457
$150,000 to $199,9993,280
$200,000 to $299,9994,555
$300,000 to $499,9993,477
$500,000 to $999,999999
$1,000,000 or more194
Median (dollars)200,000
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent9,200
Less than $5001,023
$500 to $9995,100
$1,000 to $1,4992,126
$1,500 to $1,999650
$2,000 to $2,499225
$2,500 to $2,99955
$3,000 or more21
Median (dollars)841
No rent paid371

How many ZIP Codes are in Klamath County, OR?

There are 36 ZIP Codes in Klamath County, OR.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Klamath County, OR?

The largest ZIP Code in Klamath County, OR is 97603 with a population of 30,950.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Klamath County, OR:
  • 97603
  • 97601
  • 97603
  • 97739
  • 97624

US ZIP Codes

Oregon ZIP Codes