Towner County, North Dakota ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 25
Cities: 15
Population: 2,190
Table of Towner County, ND ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
58317 Bisbee city 71
58352 Alsen city, Calio city, Munich city 6
58323 Calvin city 12
58324 Cando city 1,228
58331 Egeland city 54
58346 Leeds city, York city 431
58352 Alsen city, Calio city, Munich city 279
58363 Perth city 14
58365 Hansboro city, Rocklake city 102
58367 Rolla city 1,192
58372 Sarles city 17
58377 Starkweather city 40
58310 0
58317 Bisbee city 196
58323 Calvin city 86
58324 Cando city 1,456
58331 Egeland city 144
58339 Hansboro city 18
58346 Leeds city, York city 490
58352 Alsen city, Calio city, Munich city 419
58363 Perth city 79
58365 Hansboro city, Rocklake city 143
58367 Rolla city 1,677
58372 Sarles city 128
58377 Starkweather city 292

Census data for Towner County, North Dakota

Demographic estimates in Towner County, North Dakota

Total population
Total population2,190
Population by age
Under 18 years479
18 to 65 years1,178
65 years and over533
Median age (years)50.2
Population by race
Total population2,190
One race2,129
   Black or African American10
   American Indian and Alaska Native178
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander0
   Some other race0
Two or more races61

Economic characteristics in Towner County, North Dakota

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households980
Less than $10,00083
$10,000 to $24,999154
$25,000 to $49,999227
$50,000 to $99,999289
$100,000 to $149,999143
$150,000 to $199,99935
$200,000 or more49
Median household income (dollars)51,912

Housing characteristics in Towner County, North Dakota

Housing occupancy
Total housing units1,330
Occupied housing units980
Vacant housing units350
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units980
Owner-occupied units743
Less than $50,000214
$50,000 to $99,999138
$100,000 to $149,999155
$150,000 to $199,999124
$200,000 to $299,99978
$300,000 to $499,99926
$500,000 to $999,9998
$1,000,000 or more0
Median (dollars)103,400
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent184
Less than $50040
$500 to $999115
$1,000 to $1,49927
$1,500 to $1,9992
$2,000 to $2,4990
$2,500 to $2,9990
$3,000 or more0
Median (dollars)600
No rent paid53

How many ZIP Codes are in Towner County, ND?

There are 25 ZIP Codes in Towner County, ND.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Towner County, ND?

The largest ZIP Code in Towner County, ND is 58367 with a population of 1,677.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Towner County, ND:
  • 58367
  • 58324
  • 58324
  • 58367
  • 58346

US ZIP Codes

North Dakota ZIP Codes