Renville County, North Dakota ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 21
Cities: 13
Population: 2,328
Table of Renville County, ND ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
58718 Berthold city, Foxholm CDP 539
58725 Carpio city 178
58734 Donnybrook city 51
58718 Berthold city, Foxholm CDP 68
58740 Glenburn city, Minot AFB CDP 483
58750 Grano city, Lansford city 0
58746 Kenmare city 995
58750 Grano city, Lansford city 193
58761 Loraine city, Mohall city 12
58761 Loraine city, Mohall city 608
58782 Sherwood city 264
58787 Tolley city 24
58718 Berthold city, Foxholm CDP 1,222
58725 Carpio city 475
58734 Donnybrook city 259
58740 Glenburn city, Minot AFB CDP 730
58746 Kenmare city 1,365
58750 Grano city, Lansford city 381
58761 Loraine city, Mohall city 883
58782 Sherwood city 570
58787 Tolley city 122

Census data for Renville County, North Dakota

Demographic estimates in Renville County, North Dakota

Total population
Total population2,328
Population by age
Under 18 years602
18 to 65 years1,317
65 years and over409
Median age (years)35.9
Population by race
Total population2,328
One race2,303
   Black or African American0
   American Indian and Alaska Native2
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander0
   Some other race9
Two or more races25

Economic characteristics in Renville County, North Dakota

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households854
Less than $10,00021
$10,000 to $24,99963
$25,000 to $49,999190
$50,000 to $99,999284
$100,000 to $149,999192
$150,000 to $199,99985
$200,000 or more19
Median household income (dollars)71,218

Housing characteristics in Renville County, North Dakota

Housing occupancy
Total housing units1,238
Occupied housing units854
Vacant housing units384
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units854
Owner-occupied units708
Less than $50,000122
$50,000 to $99,999100
$100,000 to $149,999141
$150,000 to $199,999153
$200,000 to $299,999100
$300,000 to $499,99971
$500,000 to $999,99921
$1,000,000 or more0
Median (dollars)142,200
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent116
Less than $50024
$500 to $99981
$1,000 to $1,49910
$1,500 to $1,9991
$2,000 to $2,4990
$2,500 to $2,9990
$3,000 or more0
Median (dollars)793
No rent paid30

How many ZIP Codes are in Renville County, ND?

There are 21 ZIP Codes in Renville County, ND.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Renville County, ND?

The largest ZIP Code in Renville County, ND is 58746 with a population of 1,365.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Renville County, ND:
  • 58746
  • 58718
  • 58746
  • 58761
  • 58740

US ZIP Codes

North Dakota ZIP Codes