Ravalli County, Montana ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 18
Cities: 11
Population: 43,790
Table of Ravalli County, MT ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
59833 Carlton CDP, Florence CDP 508
59840 Charlos Heights CDP, Hamilton city 0
59828 Corvallis CDP, Hamilton city 1,604
59829 Conner CDP, Darby town 609
59833 Carlton CDP, Florence CDP 1,000
59841 Pinesdale town 914
59870 Stevensville town 1,959
59871 Sula CDP 98
59875 Victor CDP 773
59827 Conner CDP 256
59828 Corvallis CDP, Hamilton city 5,691
59829 Conner CDP, Darby town 2,335
59833 Carlton CDP, Florence CDP 5,480
59840 Charlos Heights CDP, Hamilton city 14,292
59841 Pinesdale town 914
59870 Stevensville town 11,377
59871 Sula CDP 375
59875 Victor CDP 3,924

Census data for Ravalli County, Montana

Demographic estimates in Ravalli County, Montana

Total population
Total population43,790
Population by age
Under 18 years8,362
18 to 65 years24,167
65 years and over11,261
Median age (years)49.1
Population by race
Total population43,790
One race41,468
   Black or African American151
   American Indian and Alaska Native372
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander0
   Some other race211
Two or more races2,322

Economic characteristics in Ravalli County, Montana

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households18,749
Less than $10,0001,251
$10,000 to $24,9992,199
$25,000 to $49,9994,309
$50,000 to $99,9996,398
$100,000 to $149,9992,694
$150,000 to $199,999901
$200,000 or more997
Median household income (dollars)59,640

Housing characteristics in Ravalli County, Montana

Housing occupancy
Total housing units20,914
Occupied housing units18,749
Vacant housing units2,165
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units18,749
Owner-occupied units14,469
Less than $50,000390
$50,000 to $99,999401
$100,000 to $149,999776
$150,000 to $199,9991,342
$200,000 to $299,9993,868
$300,000 to $499,9994,681
$500,000 to $999,9992,571
$1,000,000 or more440
Median (dollars)316,400
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent3,951
Less than $500407
$500 to $9992,157
$1,000 to $1,4991,087
$1,500 to $1,999213
$2,000 to $2,49937
$2,500 to $2,9996
$3,000 or more44
Median (dollars)866
No rent paid329

How many ZIP Codes are in Ravalli County, MT?

There are 18 ZIP Codes in Ravalli County, MT.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Ravalli County, MT?

The largest ZIP Code in Ravalli County, MT is 59840 with a population of 14,292.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Ravalli County, MT:
  • 59840
  • 59870
  • 59828
  • 59833
  • 59875

US ZIP Codes

Montana ZIP Codes