Shiawassee County, Michigan ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 36
Cities: 24
Population: 68,203
Table of Shiawassee County, MI ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
48414 Bancroft village 488
48418 Byron village 585
48616 Chesaning village 2,415
48429 Durand city, Vernon village 3,534
48831 Elsie village, Eureka CDP 971
48433 Flushing city 8,356
48436 Gaines village 446
48848 Laingsburg city, Lake Victoria CDP 1,611
48848 Laingsburg city, Lake Victoria CDP 979
48449 Lennon village 462
48857 Morrice village 1,521
48460 New Lothrop village 673
48649 Oakley village 293
48866 Ovid city 1,463
48867 Corunna city, Henderson CDP, Middletown CDP, Owosso city 14,708
48872 Perry city, Shaftsburg CDP 2,377
48872 Perry city, Shaftsburg CDP 308
48414 Bancroft village 2,742
48418 Byron village 4,230
48429 Durand city, Vernon village 8,719
48433 Flushing city 25,964
48436 Gaines village 4,222
48449 Lennon village 2,747
48460 New Lothrop village 2,615
48476 Vernon village 539
48616 Chesaning village 7,560
48649 Oakley village 1,315
48817 Corunna city, Middletown CDP 5,733
48831 Elsie village, Eureka CDP 3,316
48840 Haslett CDP, Okemos CDP 12,686
48841 Henderson CDP 701
48848 Laingsburg city, Lake Victoria CDP 7,641
48857 Morrice village 3,482
48866 Ovid city 4,416
48867 Corunna city, Henderson CDP, Middletown CDP, Owosso city 27,163
48872 Perry city, Shaftsburg CDP 6,308

Census data for Shiawassee County, Michigan

Demographic estimates in Shiawassee County, Michigan

Total population
Total population68,203
Population by age
Under 18 years14,407
18 to 65 years41,297
65 years and over12,499
Median age (years)43.1
Population by race
Total population68,203
One race66,378
   Black or African American562
   American Indian and Alaska Native190
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander25
   Some other race297
Two or more races1,825

Economic characteristics in Shiawassee County, Michigan

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households27,704
Less than $10,0001,265
$10,000 to $24,9993,555
$25,000 to $49,9996,760
$50,000 to $99,9999,633
$100,000 to $149,9994,274
$150,000 to $199,9991,498
$200,000 or more719
Median household income (dollars)58,004

Housing characteristics in Shiawassee County, Michigan

Housing occupancy
Total housing units30,224
Occupied housing units27,704
Vacant housing units2,520
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units27,704
Owner-occupied units21,317
Less than $50,0001,722
$50,000 to $99,9995,009
$100,000 to $149,9995,655
$150,000 to $199,9993,811
$200,000 to $299,9993,394
$300,000 to $499,9991,309
$500,000 to $999,999332
$1,000,000 or more85
Median (dollars)134,300
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent6,036
Less than $500961
$500 to $9993,775
$1,000 to $1,4991,087
$1,500 to $1,999178
$2,000 to $2,4996
$2,500 to $2,99923
$3,000 or more6
Median (dollars)781
No rent paid351

How many ZIP Codes are in Shiawassee County, MI?

There are 36 ZIP Codes in Shiawassee County, MI.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Shiawassee County, MI?

The largest ZIP Code in Shiawassee County, MI is 48867 with a population of 27,163.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Shiawassee County, MI:
  • 48867
  • 48433
  • 48867
  • 48840
  • 48429

US ZIP Codes

Michigan ZIP Codes