Johnson County, Kansas ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 41
Cities: 23
Population: 605,154
Table of Johnson County, KS ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
66013 Bucyrus CDP, Overland Park city 232
66025 De Soto city, Eudora city 6,457
66205 Fairway city, Mission city, Mission Hills city, Mission Woods city, Roeland Park city, Westwood city, Westwood Hills city 4,147
66205 Fairway city, Mission city, Mission Hills city, Mission Woods city, Roeland Park city, Westwood city, Westwood Hills city 163
66205 Fairway city, Mission city, Mission Hills city, Mission Woods city, Roeland Park city, Westwood city, Westwood Hills city 1,834
66205 Fairway city, Mission city, Mission Hills city, Mission Woods city, Roeland Park city, Westwood city, Westwood Hills city 452
66013 Bucyrus CDP, Overland Park city 2,768
66018 De Soto city, Lenexa city, Olathe city 6,417
66021 Edgerton city 2,820
66025 De Soto city, Eudora city 7,812
66030 Edgerton city, Gardner city 24,990
66031 Gardner city 617
66061 Gardner city, Lenexa city, Olathe city 66,267
66062 Lenexa city, Olathe city, Overland Park city, Spring Hill city 76,000
66083 Overland Park city, Spring Hill city 11,468
66085 Overland Park city 10,567
66202 Merriam city, Mission city, Overland Park city, Prairie Village city, Roeland Park city 17,068
66203 Merriam city, Mission city, Overland Park city, Shawnee city 18,812
66204 Merriam city, Overland Park city, Prairie Village city 18,530
66205 Fairway city, Mission city, Mission Hills city, Mission Woods city, Roeland Park city, Westwood city, Westwood Hills city 14,046
66206 Leawood city, Overland Park city, Prairie Village city 11,557
66207 Overland Park city, Prairie Village city 15,183
66208 Leawood city, Mission city, Mission Hills city, Overland Park city, Prairie Village city 21,662
66209 Leawood city, Overland Park city 19,288
66210 Lenexa city, Overland Park city 19,603
66211 Leawood city, Overland Park city 5,593
66212 Overland Park city 32,996
66213 Overland Park city 30,161
66214 Lenexa city, Overland Park city, Shawnee city 11,706
66215 Lenexa city, Olathe city, Overland Park city 25,731
66216 Kansas City city, Lenexa city, Shawnee city 24,959
66217 Kansas City city, Lake Quivira city, Lenexa city, Shawnee city 5,659
66218 Lenexa city, Shawnee city 8,195
66219 Lenexa city, Olathe city 13,976
66220 Lenexa city, Olathe city 8,342
66221 Overland Park city 24,107
66223 Overland Park city 26,050
66224 Leawood city, Overland Park city 12,349
66226 Bonner Springs city, Shawnee city 15,353
66227 Lenexa city, Olathe city, Shawnee city 8,445
66251 Overland Park city 7

Census data for Johnson County, Kansas

Demographic estimates in Johnson County, Kansas

Total population
Total population605,154
Population by age
Under 18 years146,832
18 to 65 years369,761
65 years and over88,561
Median age (years)37.9
Population by race
Total population605,154
One race577,062
   Black or African American29,187
   American Indian and Alaska Native1,381
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander184
   Some other race9,604
Two or more races28,092

Economic characteristics in Johnson County, Kansas

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households237,949
Less than $10,0006,352
$10,000 to $24,99913,549
$25,000 to $49,99934,054
$50,000 to $99,99970,060
$100,000 to $149,99948,966
$150,000 to $199,99928,234
$200,000 or more36,734
Median household income (dollars)96,059

Housing characteristics in Johnson County, Kansas

Housing occupancy
Total housing units248,854
Occupied housing units237,949
Vacant housing units10,905
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units237,949
Owner-occupied units164,640
Less than $50,0003,204
$50,000 to $99,9992,174
$100,000 to $149,9999,888
$150,000 to $199,99919,282
$200,000 to $299,99950,567
$300,000 to $499,99954,956
$500,000 to $999,99921,159
$1,000,000 or more3,410
Median (dollars)294,300
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent71,352
Less than $5001,618
$500 to $99918,301
$1,000 to $1,49933,057
$1,500 to $1,99912,377
$2,000 to $2,4993,396
$2,500 to $2,9991,078
$3,000 or more1,525
Median (dollars)1,201
No rent paid1,957

How many ZIP Codes are in Johnson County, KS?

There are 41 ZIP Codes in Johnson County, KS.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in Johnson County, KS?

The largest ZIP Code in Johnson County, KS is 66062 with a population of 76,000.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Johnson County, KS:
  • 66062
  • 66061
  • 66212
  • 66213
  • 66223

US ZIP Codes

Kansas ZIP Codes