Alaska ZIP Codes

ZIP Codes: 245
Cities: 350
Population: 735,951
Table of Alaska ZIP Codes with list of cities and counties and population for each ZIP Code.
99501 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 16,267
99502 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 26,288
99503 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality, Bethel Census Area 12,360
99504 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 40,872
99505 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 6,085
99506 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 7,167
99507 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 35,916
99508 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 39,926
99513 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 0
99515 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 21,596
99516 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 21,428
99517 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 16,014
99518 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 10,180
99519 Prudhoe Bay CDP North Slope Borough 1,501
99530 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 0
99540 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 346
99546 Adak city Aleutians West Census Area 190
99547 Atka city Aleutians West Census Area 38
99548 Chignik Lake CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough 40
99549 Port Heiden city Lake and Peninsula Borough 65
99550 Port Lions city Kodiak Island Borough 128
99551 Akiachak CDP Bethel Census Area 469
99552 Akiak city Bethel Census Area 293
99553 Akutan city Aleutians East Borough 700
99554 Alakanuk city Kusilvak Census Area 1,065
99555 Aleknagik city Dillingham Census Area 125
99556 Anchor Point CDP, Diamond Ridge CDP, Happy Valley CDP, Nikolaevsk CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 2,786
99557 Aniak city, Chuathbaluk city, Lime Village CDP, Stony River CDP Bethel Census Area, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 722
99558 Anvik city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 93
99559 Atmautluak CDP, Bethel city, Kongiganak CDP, Napaskiak city, Newtok CDP, Oscarville CDP Bethel Census Area 7,702
99561 Chefornak city Bethel Census Area 375
99563 Chevak city Kusilvak Census Area 777
99564 Chignik city Lake and Peninsula Borough 44
99565 Chignik Lagoon CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough 31
99566 Chitina CDP, McCarthy CDP Copper River Census Area 81
99567 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 7,819
99568 Clam Gulch CDP, Cohoe CDP, Ninilchik CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 471
99569 Clark's Point city Dillingham Census Area 42
99571 Cold Bay city, Nelson Lagoon CDP Aleutians East Borough 201
99572 Cooper Landing CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 226
99573 Copper Center CDP, Kenny Lake CDP, Silver Springs CDP, Tazlina CDP, Tonsina CDP, Willow Creek CDP Copper River Census Area, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 855
99574 Chenega CDP, Cordova city Chugach Census Area, Kenai Peninsula Borough 2,671
99575 Crooked Creek CDP Bethel Census Area 65
99576 Aleknagik city, Dillingham city, Koliganek CDP, Portage Creek CDP, Togiak city, Twin Hills CDP Bethel Census Area, Dillingham Census Area 2,536
99577 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality 28,264
99578 Eek city Bethel Census Area 624
99579 Egegik city Lake and Peninsula Borough 47
99580 Ekwok city Dillingham Census Area 53
99581 Emmonak city Kusilvak Census Area 1,005
99583 False Pass city Aleutians East Borough 106
99585 Marshall city Kusilvak Census Area 253
99586 Chistochina CDP, Gakona CDP, Gulkana CDP, Mentasta Lake CDP, Nabesna CDP, Slana CDP Copper River Census Area 350
99587 Anchorage municipality Anchorage Municipality, Kenai Peninsula Borough 2,029
99588 Eureka Roadhouse CDP, Glacier View CDP, Glennallen CDP, Gulkana CDP, Lake Louise CDP, Mendeltna CDP, Nelchina CDP, Tazlina CDP, Tolsona CDP Copper River Census Area, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 1,168
99589 Goodnews Bay city Bethel Census Area 73
99590 Grayling city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 236
99591 St. George city Aleutians West Census Area 95
99602 Holy Cross city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 290
99603 Anchor Point CDP, Diamond Ridge CDP, Fox River CDP, Fritz Creek CDP, Halibut Cove CDP, Homer city, Kachemak city, Nanwalek CDP, Port Graham CDP, Seldovia Village CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 10,852
99604 Hooper Bay city Kusilvak Census Area 961
99605 Hope CDP, Sunrise CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 119
99606 Iliamna CDP, Kokhanok CDP, Newhalen city Lake and Peninsula Borough 244
99607 Lower Kalskag city, Upper Kalskag city Bethel Census Area 225
99608 Karluk CDP Kodiak Island Borough 21
99609 Kasigluk CDP Bethel Census Area 448
99610 Cohoe CDP, Kalifornsky CDP, Kasilof CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 2,064
99611 Kalifornsky CDP, Kenai city, Nikiski CDP, Point Possession CDP, Ridgeway CDP, Salamatof CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 14,594
99612 King Cove city Aleutians East Borough 1,238
99613 Igiugig CDP, King Salmon CDP, Pope-Vannoy Landing CDP Bristol Bay Borough, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Lake and Peninsula Borough 459
99614 Kipnuk CDP Bethel Census Area 467
99615 Akhiok city, Aleneva CDP, Chiniak CDP, Karluk CDP, Kodiak city, Kodiak Station CDP, Larsen Bay city, Mill Bay CDP, Old Harbor city, Womens Bay CDP Kodiak Island Borough 12,750
99620 Kotlik city Kusilvak Census Area 1,247
99621 Kwethluk city Bethel Census Area 425
99622 Kwigillingok CDP Bethel Census Area 470
99623 Big Lake CDP, Houston city, Knik-Fairview CDP, Meadow Lakes CDP, Point MacKenzie CDP, Wasilla city Matanuska-Susitna Borough 21,510
99624 Larsen Bay city Kodiak Island Borough 24
99625 Levelock CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough 34
99626 Lower Kalskag city Bethel Census Area 304
99627 McGrath city, Takotna CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 226
99628 Manokotak city Dillingham Census Area 705
99630 Mekoryuk city Bethel Census Area 327
99631 Crown Point CDP, Moose Pass CDP Anchorage Municipality, Kenai Peninsula Borough 285
99632 Mountain Village city Kusilvak Census Area 845
99633 King Salmon CDP, Naknek CDP Bristol Bay Borough 394
99634 Napakiak city Bethel Census Area 724
99635 Tyonek CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 107
99636 New Stuyahok city Dillingham Census Area 572
99637 Toksook Bay city Bethel Census Area 874
99638 Nikolski CDP Aleutians West Census Area 17
99639 Happy Valley CDP, Ninilchik CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 1,170
99640 Newhalen city, Nondalton city Lake and Peninsula Borough 79
99641 Nunapitchuk city Bethel Census Area 999
99643 Old Harbor city Kodiak Island Borough 174
99644 Ouzinkie city Kodiak Island Borough 121
99645 Buffalo Soapstone CDP, Butte CDP, Farm Loop CDP, Fishhook CDP, Gateway CDP, Knik River CDP, Lazy Mountain CDP, North Lakes CDP, Palmer city, South Lakes CDP, Sutton-Alpine CDP Anchorage Municipality, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 30,706
99647 Pedro Bay CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough 18
99648 Perryville CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough 74
99649 Pilot Point city, Ugashik CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough 89
99650 Pilot Station city Kusilvak Census Area 467
99651 Platinum city Bethel Census Area 8
99652 Big Lake CDP, Houston city, Knik-Fairview CDP, Meadow Lakes CDP, Willow CDP Matanuska-Susitna Borough 3,579
99653 Port Alsworth CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough 116
99654 Big Lake CDP, Fishhook CDP, Gateway CDP, Houston city, Knik-Fairview CDP, Meadow Lakes CDP, North Lakes CDP, Point MacKenzie CDP, South Lakes CDP, Tanaina CDP, Wasilla city Matanuska-Susitna Borough 43,671
99655 Quinhagak city Bethel Census Area 989
99656 Red Devil CDP Bethel Census Area 10
99657 Russian Mission city Kusilvak Census Area 118
99658 Pitkas Point CDP, St. Mary's city Kusilvak Census Area 1,002
99659 St. Michael city Nome Census Area 312
99660 St. Paul city Aleutians West Census Area 351
99661 Sand Point city Aleutians East Borough 1,164
99662 Scammon Bay city Kusilvak Census Area 459
99663 Seldovia city, Seldovia Village CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 404
99664 Bear Creek CDP, Cooper Landing CDP, Crown Point CDP, Lowell Point CDP, Primrose CDP, Seward city Kenai Peninsula Borough 4,383
99665 Shageluk city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 42
99666 Nunam Iqua city Kusilvak Census Area 142
99667 Skwentna CDP, Susitna CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 125
99668 Sleetmute CDP Bethel Census Area 81
99669 Cohoe CDP, Funny River CDP, Kalifornsky CDP, Kasilof CDP, Ridgeway CDP, Soldotna city, Sterling CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 17,725
99670 South Naknek CDP Bristol Bay Borough, Lake and Peninsula Borough 56
99671 Stebbins city Nome Census Area 646
99672 Point Possession CDP, Sterling CDP Kenai Peninsula Borough 3,191
99674 Chickaloon CDP, Eureka Roadhouse CDP, Glacier View CDP, Lazy Mountain CDP, Sutton-Alpine CDP Matanuska-Susitna Borough 1,296
99675 Takotna CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 58
99676 Chase CDP, Susitna North CDP, Talkeetna CDP Matanuska-Susitna Borough 1,569
99677 Tatitlek CDP Chugach Census Area 34
99678 Togiak city, Twin Hills CDP Bethel Census Area, Dillingham Census Area 866
99679 Tuluksak CDP Bethel Census Area 278
99680 Tuntutuliak CDP Bethel Census Area 1,072
99681 Tununak CDP Bethel Census Area 309
99682 Beluga CDP, Tyonek CDP Bethel Census Area, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Lake and Peninsula Borough, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 334
99683 Petersville CDP, Trapper Creek CDP Matanuska-Susitna Borough 362
99684 Unalakleet city Nome Census Area 737
99685 Unalaska city Aleutians West Census Area 3,626
99686 Valdez city, Whittier city Anchorage Municipality, Chugach Census Area, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 3,978
99688 Big Lake CDP, Houston city, Meadow Lakes CDP, Skwentna CDP, Susitna CDP, Susitna North CDP, Trapper Creek CDP, Willow CDP Matanuska-Susitna Borough 2,509
99689 Yakutat CDP Yakutat City and Borough 562
99690 Nightmute city Bethel Census Area 145
99691 Nikolai city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 108
99692 Unalaska city Aleutians West Census Area 713
99693 Whittier city Chugach Census Area, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 332
99694 Houston city, Meadow Lakes CDP, Willow CDP Matanuska-Susitna Borough 1,480
99695 Ivanof Bay CDP Lake and Peninsula Borough, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 0
99701 Coldfoot CDP, Fairbanks city, South Van Horn CDP, Wiseman CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough, North Slope Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 17,781
99702 Eielson AFB CDP, Salcha CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough 3,273
99703 Fairbanks city Fairbanks North Star Borough 9,593
99704 Anderson city Denali Borough 61
99705 Badger CDP, Eielson AFB CDP, Fairbanks city, Moose Creek CDP, North Pole city, Salcha CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough 22,925
99706 Healy Lake CDP Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 23
99707 Fairbanks North Star Borough 0
99709 Chena Ridge CDP, College CDP, Ester CDP, Fairbanks city, Farmers Loop CDP, Fox CDP, Goldstream CDP, South Van Horn CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough 27,880
99712 Badger CDP, Fairbanks city, Farmers Loop CDP, Fox CDP, Goldstream CDP, Pleasant Valley CDP, Steele Creek CDP, Two Rivers CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 13,260
99714 Eielson AFB CDP, Harding-Birch Lakes CDP, Salcha CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough 1,016
99720 Alatna CDP, Allakaket city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 254
99721 Anaktuvuk Pass city North Slope Borough 261
99722 Arctic Village CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 225
99723 Utqiaġvik city North Slope Borough 5,126
99724 Beaver CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 93
99725 Ester CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough 611
99726 Bettles city, Evansville CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 19
99727 Buckland city Northwest Arctic Borough 677
99729 Cantwell CDP, Denali Park CDP Denali Borough, Matanuska-Susitna Borough 136
99730 Birch Creek CDP, Central CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 54
99732 Chicken CDP Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 21
99733 Circle CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 29
99734 Prudhoe Bay CDP North Slope Borough 1,074
99736 Deering city Northwest Arctic Borough 163
99737 Big Delta CDP, Delta Junction city, Deltana CDP, Dot Lake CDP, Dot Lake Village CDP, Dry Creek CDP, Fort Greely CDP, Paxson CDP, Whitestone CDP Copper River Census Area, Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 4,502
99738 Eagle city, Eagle Village CDP Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 147
99739 Elim city Nome Census Area 279
99740 Arctic Village CDP, Chalkyitsik CDP, Fort Yukon city North Slope Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 520
99741 Galena city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 519
99742 Gambell city Nome Census Area 419
99743 Anderson city, Cantwell CDP, Ferry CDP, Healy CDP Denali Borough, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 880
99744 Anderson city Denali Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 130
99745 Hughes city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 41
99746 Huslia city Nome Census Area, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 230
99747 Kaktovik city North Slope Borough 241
99748 Kaltag city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 216
99749 Kiana city Northwest Arctic Borough 376
99750 Kivalina city Northwest Arctic Borough 905
99751 Kobuk city Northwest Arctic Borough 156
99752 Kotzebue city, Red Dog Mine CDP North Slope Borough, Northwest Arctic Borough 3,273
99753 Koyuk city Nome Census Area 276
99754 Koyukuk city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 57
99755 Cantwell CDP, Denali Park CDP, Healy CDP Denali Borough 896
99756 Manley Hot Springs CDP Denali Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 35
99757 Lake Minchumina CDP Denali Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 15
99758 Minto CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 151
99759 Point Lay CDP North Slope Borough 229
99760 Anderson city, Ferry CDP, Four Mile Road CDP, Healy CDP, Nenana city Denali Borough, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 737
99761 Noatak CDP Northwest Arctic Borough 488
99762 Diomede city, Golovin city, Nome city Nome Census Area 4,137
99763 Noorvik city Northwest Arctic Borough 602
99764 Alcan Border CDP, Northway CDP Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 474
99765 Nulato city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 296
99766 Point Hope city North Slope Borough 925
99767 Rampart CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 67
99768 Ruby city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 200
99769 Savoonga city Nome Census Area 946
99770 Selawik city Northwest Arctic Borough 659
99771 Shaktoolik city Nome Census Area 330
99772 Shishmaref city Nome Census Area, Northwest Arctic Borough 560
99773 Shungnak city Northwest Arctic Borough 204
99774 Stevens Village CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 9
99775 College CDP Fairbanks North Star Borough 1,046
99776 Tanacross CDP Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 107
99777 Tanana city Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 190
99778 Port Clarence CDP, Teller city Nome Census Area 250
99780 Mentasta Lake CDP, Tanacross CDP, Tetlin CDP, Tok CDP Copper River Census Area, Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 1,756
99781 Arctic Village CDP, Venetie CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 109
99782 Wainwright city North Slope Borough 556
99783 Wales city Nome Census Area 267
99784 White Mountain city Nome Census Area 192
99785 Brevig Mission city Nome Census Area 673
99786 Ambler city North Slope Borough, Northwest Arctic Borough, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 273
99788 Chalkyitsik CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 110
99789 Nuiqsut city North Slope Borough 751
99790 Livengood CDP Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 23
99791 Atqasuk city North Slope Borough 181
99801 Juneau city and borough Juneau City and Borough 29,976
99820 Angoon city, Hobart Bay CDP Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, Juneau City and Borough, Petersburg Borough 504
99824 Juneau city and borough Juneau City and Borough 2,264
99825 Elfin Cove CDP, Game Creek CDP, Hoonah city, Whitestone Logging Camp CDP Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 19
99826 Gustavus city Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 603
99827 Covenant Life CDP, Excursion Inlet CDP, Haines CDP, Klukwan CDP, Lutak CDP, Mosquito Lake CDP, Mud Bay CDP Haines Borough, Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 2,169
99829 Game Creek CDP, Hoonah city, Whitestone Logging Camp CDP Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 913
99830 Kake city Petersburg Borough, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 447
99832 Pelican city Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, Sitka City and Borough 61
99833 Kake city, Kupreanof city, Petersburg CDP Petersburg Borough, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 3,368
99835 Sitka city and borough Sitka City and Borough 8,514
99836 Port Alexander city Petersburg Borough, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 38
99840 Skagway CDP Haines Borough, Skagway Municipality 1,329
99841 Tenakee Springs city Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 156
99850 Excursion Inlet CDP Haines Borough 0
99901 Ketchikan city, Loring CDP, Saxman city Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 13,942
99903 Wrangell city and borough Wrangell City and Borough 1
99918 Coffman Cove city Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 263
99919 Kasaan city, Thorne Bay city Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 562
99921 Craig city, Edna Bay city, Hollis CDP, Klawock city, Naukati Bay CDP, Whale Pass city Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 1,868
99922 Hydaburg city Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 319
99923 Hyder CDP Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 13
99925 Klawock city Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 917
99926 Metlakatla CDP Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 1,445
99927 Point Baker CDP, Port Protection CDP Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 11
99929 Wrangell city and borough Wrangell City and Borough 2,161

Census data for Alaska

Demographic estimates in Alaska

Total population
Total population735,951
Population by age
Under 18 years182,734
18 to 65 years463,029
65 years and over90,188
Median age (years)35.0
Population by race
Total population735,951
One race662,005
   Black or African American23,721
   American Indian and Alaska Native107,531
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander10,766
   Some other race14,254
Two or more races73,946

Economic characteristics in Alaska

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households260,561
Less than $10,00010,644
$10,000 to $24,99923,306
$25,000 to $49,99941,724
$50,000 to $99,99981,746
$100,000 to $149,99950,022
$150,000 to $199,99926,172
$200,000 or more26,947
Median household income (dollars)80,287

Housing characteristics in Alaska

Housing occupancy
Total housing units324,434
Occupied housing units260,561
Vacant housing units63,873
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units260,561
Owner-occupied units171,207
Less than $50,00010,330
$50,000 to $99,9997,985
$100,000 to $149,99910,784
$150,000 to $199,99916,575
$200,000 to $299,99948,049
$300,000 to $499,99958,181
$500,000 to $999,99917,823
$1,000,000 or more1,480
Median (dollars)282,800
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent81,856
Less than $5005,164
$500 to $99918,878
$1,000 to $1,49928,009
$1,500 to $1,99917,211
$2,000 to $2,4999,143
$2,500 to $2,9992,420
$3,000 or more1,031
Median (dollars)1,279
No rent paid7,498

How many ZIP Codes are in Alaska?

There are 245 ZIP Codes in Alaska.

What is the largest ZIP Code by population in the Alaska?

The largest ZIP Code in Alaska is 99654 with a population of 43,671.

TOP-5 ZIP codes by population in Alaska:
  • 99654
  • 99504
  • 99508
  • 99507
  • 99645