Brooke County, West Virginia richest cities

Number of cities: 7
Median household income: 51,210
Richest city: Hooverson Heights
Table of cities in Brooke County, West Virginia sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Hooverson HeightsCDP68,699
Windsor Heightsvillage40,481
Beech Bottomvillage34,531

What is the richest city in Brooke County, West Virginia?

Hooverson Heights is the richest city in Brooke County, West Virginia with median household income of 68,699.

TOP-5 richest cities in Brooke County, West Virginia:
  • Hooverson Heights
  • Bethany
  • Weirton
  • Follansbee
  • Wellsburg