Rusk County, Wisconsin richest cities
Number of cities: 9
Median household income: 51,978
Richest city: Glen Flora
City | Type | Median household |
Glen Flora | village | 59,375 |
Conrath | village | 57,500 |
Tony | village | 51,563 |
Ingram | village | 47,500 |
Ladysmith | city | 44,957 |
Weyerhaeuser | village | 42,500 |
Bruce | village | 42,083 |
Sheldon | village | 41,000 |
Hawkins | village | 30,833 |
What is the richest city in Rusk County, Wisconsin?
Glen Flora is the richest city in Rusk County, Wisconsin with median household income of 59,375.
TOP-5 richest cities in Rusk County, Wisconsin:
- Glen Flora
- Conrath
- Tony
- Ingram
- Ladysmith