Kenosha County, Wisconsin richest cities

Number of cities: 7
Median household income: 70,073
Richest city: Bristol
Table of cities in Kenosha County, Wisconsin sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Pleasant Prairievillage91,272
Powers LakeCDP87,404
Twin Lakesvillage80,196
Paddock Lakevillage74,475
Genoa Cityvillage72,115

What is the richest city in Kenosha County, Wisconsin?

Bristol is the richest city in Kenosha County, Wisconsin with median household income of 95,577.

TOP-5 richest cities in Kenosha County, Wisconsin:
  • Bristol
  • Pleasant Prairie
  • Powers Lake
  • Twin Lakes
  • Paddock Lake