Stafford County, Virginia poorest cities

Number of cities: 6
Median household income: 119,818
Poorest city: Quantico Base
Table of cities in Stafford County, Virginia sorted by household income from poorest to richest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Quantico BaseCDP62,607
Southern GatewayCDP72,139
Stafford CourthouseCDP86,680
Boswell's CornerCDP95,338
Aquia HarbourCDP125,077

What is the poorest city in Stafford County, Virginia?

Quantico Base is the poorest city in Stafford County, Virginia with median household income of 62,607.

TOP-5 poorest cities in Stafford County, Virginia:
  • Quantico Base
  • Southern Gateway
  • Stafford Courthouse
  • Boswell's Corner
  • Falmouth