Polk County, Texas poorest cities

Number of cities: 10
Median household income: 52,826
Poorest city: Cedar Point
Table of cities in Polk County, Texas sorted by household income from poorest to richest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Big Thicket Lake EstatesCDP34,450
Indian SpringsCDP44,234
Pleasant HillCDP47,697
Seven Oakscity50,990
West LivingstonCDP52,985
Cedar PointCDP-

What is the poorest city in Polk County, Texas?

Cedar Point is the poorest city in Polk County, Texas with median household income of -666,666,666.

TOP-5 poorest cities in Polk County, Texas:
  • Big Thicket Lake Estates
  • Goodrich
  • Corrigan
  • Livingston
  • Indian Springs