Llano County, Texas poorest cities

Number of cities: 6
Median household income: 62,839
Poorest city: Buchanan Lake Village
Table of cities in Llano County, Texas sorted by household income from poorest to richest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Buchanan Lake VillageCDP48,413
Buchanan DamCDP61,213
Sunrise Beach Villagecity73,750
Horseshoe Baycity83,239

What is the poorest city in Llano County, Texas?

Buchanan Lake Village is the poorest city in Llano County, Texas with median household income of 48,413.

TOP-5 poorest cities in Llano County, Texas:
  • Buchanan Lake Village
  • Llano
  • Kingsland
  • Buchanan Dam
  • Sunrise Beach Village