Comal County, Texas richest cities

Number of cities: 8
Median household income: 85,912
Richest city: Garden Ridge
Table of cities in Comal County, Texas sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Garden Ridgecity141,622
Fair Oaks Ranchcity127,917
Canyon LakeCDP80,670
New Braunfelscity76,890
San Antoniocity55,084

What is the richest city in Comal County, Texas?

Garden Ridge is the richest city in Comal County, Texas with median household income of 141,622.

TOP-5 richest cities in Comal County, Texas:
  • Garden Ridge
  • Fair Oaks Ranch
  • Bulverde
  • Schertz
  • Selma