McNairy County, Tennessee richest cities
Number of cities: 11
Median household income: 42,691
Richest city: Michie
City | Type | Median household |
Michie | town | 53,750 |
Eastview | town | 48,333 |
Ramer | city | 46,250 |
Milledgeville | town | 45,500 |
Finger | city | 43,958 |
Adamsville | town | 39,141 |
Stantonville | town | 39,022 |
Bethel Springs | town | 38,611 |
Guys | town | 33,264 |
Selmer | town | 32,704 |
Enville | town | 17,031 |
What is the richest city in McNairy County, Tennessee?
Michie is the richest city in McNairy County, Tennessee with median household income of 53,750.
TOP-5 richest cities in McNairy County, Tennessee:
- Michie
- Eastview
- Ramer
- Milledgeville
- Finger