Pennington County, South Dakota cities by population

Number of cities: 13
Population: 108,707
Largest city: Rapid City
Table of cities in Pennington County, South Dakota sorted by population from largest to smallest.
Rapid Citycity73,942
Box Eldercity11,527
Rapid ValleyCDP7,875
Colonial Pine HillsCDP2,425
Green ValleyCDP1,184
New Underwoodcity889
Ashland HeightsCDP870
Hill Citycity626
Johnson SidingCDP588

What is the largest city in Pennington County, South Dakota?

Rapid City is the largest city in Pennington County, South Dakota with a population of 73,942.

TOP-5 cities by population in Pennington County, South Dakota:
  • Rapid City
  • Box Elder
  • Rapid Valley
  • Colonial Pine Hills
  • Green Valley