Abbeville County, South Carolina poorest cities

Number of cities: 9
Median household income: 45,710
Poorest city: Antreville
Table of cities in Abbeville County, South Carolina sorted by household income from poorest to richest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Calhoun Fallstown28,700
Ware Shoalstown31,845
Lake SecessionCDP38,292
Honea Pathtown40,714
Due Westtown48,125

What is the poorest city in Abbeville County, South Carolina?

Antreville is the poorest city in Abbeville County, South Carolina with median household income of -666,666,666.

TOP-5 poorest cities in Abbeville County, South Carolina:
  • Calhoun Falls
  • Ware Shoals
  • Abbeville
  • Lake Secession
  • Honea Path