Lafourche Parish, Louisiana demographics

Population: 97,677
Median age: 38.7

Median household income: 58,747

Demographics, population, home values, social and economic characteristics of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana.



Lafourche Parish, LA cities

Bayou Blue CDP - 11,229

Bayou Country Club CDP - 1,568

Chackbay CDP - 5,404

Choctaw CDP - 815

Cut Off CDP - 5,498

Des Allemands CDP - 2,342

Galliano CDP - 7,378

Golden Meadow town - 2,184

Kraemer CDP - 1,053

Lafourche Crossing CDP - 1,896

Larose CDP - 6,652

Lockport town - 2,850

Lockport Heights CDP - 1,724

Mathews CDP - 1,543

Raceland CDP - 11,002

Thibodaux city - 15,242

Census data for Lafourche Parish, Louisiana

Demographic and housing estimates in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana

Total population
Total population97,677
Population by age
Total population97,677
Under 5 years6,053
5 to 9 years6,682
10 to 14 years6,236
15 to 19 years6,362
20 to 24 years5,497
25 to 34 years13,269
35 to 44 years12,627
45 to 54 years12,409
55 to 59 years6,798
60 to 64 years6,473
65 to 74 years9,016
75 to 84 years4,422
85 years and over1,833
Median age (years)38.7
Under 18 years22,795
16 years and over77,349
18 years and over74,882
21 years and over71,169
62 years and over18,808
65 years and over15,271
Population by race
Total population97,677
One race94,220
   Black or African American13,059
   American Indian and Alaska Native2,265
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander0
   Some other race2,083
Two or more races3,457
Citizen, voting age population
Citizen, VOTING AGE 18 and over population73,512
Male Citizen, VOTING AGE 18 and over population35,733
Female Citizen, VOTING AGE 18 and over population37,779

Social characteristics in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana

Households by type
Total households36,412
Family households (families)19,097
Married-couple family2,442
Male householder, no wife present, family5,222
Female householder, no husband present, family3,864
Nonfamily households9,651
Average household size10,744
Average family size2.63

Economic characteristics in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana

Income and benefits (in inflation-adjusted dollars)
Total households36,412
Less than $10,0003,153
$10,000 to $14,9991,564
$15,000 to $24,9994,054
$25,000 to $34,9993,187
$35,000 to $49,9994,526
$50,000 to $74,9995,057
$75,000 to $99,9995,498
$100,000 to $149,9995,754
$150,000 to $199,9991,877
$200,000 or more1,742
Median household income (dollars)58,747

Housing characteristics in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana

Housing occupancy
Total housing units40,832
Occupied housing units36,412
Vacant housing units4,420
Units in structure
Total housing units40,832
1-unit, detached29,500
1-unit, attached757
2 units944
3 or 4 units1,068
5 to 9 units824
10 to 19 units444
20 or more units547
Mobile home6,668
Boat, RV, van, etc.80
Year structure built
Total housing units40,832
Built 2014 or later48
Built 2010 to 20134,117
Built 2000 to 20095,698
Built 1990 to 19994,863
Built 1980 to 19895,882
Built 1970 to 19797,886
Built 1960 to 19695,337
Built 1950 to 19593,661
Built 1940 to 19491,657
Built 1939 or earlier1,683
Total housing units40,832
1 room342
2 rooms947
3 rooms2,878
4 rooms6,867
5 rooms9,558
6 rooms8,550
7 rooms5,154
8 rooms3,119
9 rooms or more3,417
Median rooms5.5
Total housing units40,832
No bedroom370
1 bedroom2,977
2 bedrooms10,796
3 bedrooms21,076
4 bedrooms5,127
5 or more bedrooms486
Housing tenure
Occupied housing units36,412
Average household size of owner-occupied unit2.70
Average household size of renter-occupied unit2.40
Year householder moved into unit
Occupied housing units36,412
Moved in 2017 or later1,870
Moved in 2015 to 20168,676
Moved in 2010 to 20146,060
Moved in 2000 to 20097,618
Moved in 1990 to 19994,948
Moved in 1989 and earlier7,240
Owner-occupied units28,308
Less than $50,0003,458
$50,000 to $99,9994,299
$100,000 to $149,9994,907
$150,000 to $199,9995,486
$200,000 to $299,9996,527
$300,000 to $499,9992,957
$500,000 to $999,999604
$1,000,000 or more70
Median (dollars)162,100
Mortgage status
Owner-occupied units28,308
Housing units with a mortgage13,677
Housing units without a mortgage14,631
Gross rent
Occupied units paying rent7,125
Less than $5001,169
$500 to $9994,051
$1,000 to $1,4991,647
$1,500 to $1,999165
$2,000 to $2,49934
$2,500 to $2,99924
$3,000 or more35
Median (dollars)816
No rent paid979

Demographic data for Lafourche Parish, LA and each city in the county. Lists of cities by population, wealth and poverty in Lafourche Parish, LA.


US demographics

Louisiana demographics

Jefferson Parish

LaSalle Parish

Lafayette Parish

Lincoln Parish

Livingston Parish

Madison Parish