Bullitt County, Kentucky richest cities

Number of cities: 9
Median household income: 67,892
Richest city: Fox Chase
Table of cities in Bullitt County, Kentucky sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Fox Chasecity91,806
Mount Washingtoncity83,216
Pioneer Villagecity70,037
Hunters Hollowcity69,750
Hebron Estatescity60,568
Lebanon Junctioncity47,500

What is the richest city in Bullitt County, Kentucky?

Fox Chase is the richest city in Bullitt County, Kentucky with median household income of 91,806.

TOP-5 richest cities in Bullitt County, Kentucky:
  • Fox Chase
  • Mount Washington
  • Pioneer Village
  • Hunters Hollow
  • Brooks