St. Johns County, Florida cities by population

Number of cities: 14
Population: 265,724
Largest city: Fruit Cove
Table of cities in St. Johns County, Florida sorted by population from largest to smallest.
Fruit CoveCDP34,469
Palm ValleyCDP20,115
World Golf VillageCDP19,975
St. Augustinecity13,994
St. Augustine ShoresCDP9,828
St. Augustine Beachcity6,688
St. Augustine SouthCDP5,354
Butler BeachCDP4,973
Flagler EstatesCDP3,577
Crescent BeachCDP908

What is the largest city in St. Johns County, Florida?

Fruit Cove is the largest city in St. Johns County, Florida with a population of 34,469.

TOP-5 cities by population in St. Johns County, Florida:
  • Fruit Cove
  • Palm Valley
  • World Golf Village
  • Nocatee
  • St. Augustine