Hardee County, Florida richest cities

Number of cities: 8
Median household income: 41,395
Richest city: Fort Green Springs
Table of cities in Hardee County, Florida sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Fort Green SpringsCDP68,676
Fort GreenCDP67,143
Zolfo Springstown46,563
Bowling Greencity39,536
Lemon GroveCDP36,289

What is the richest city in Hardee County, Florida?

Fort Green Springs is the richest city in Hardee County, Florida with median household income of 68,676.

TOP-5 richest cities in Hardee County, Florida:
  • Fort Green Springs
  • Fort Green
  • Zolfo Springs
  • Bowling Green
  • Lemon Grove