North Slope Borough, Alaska richest cities

Number of cities: 8
Median household income: 83,992
Richest city: Atqasuk
Table of cities in North Slope Borough, Alaska sorted by household income from richest to poorest.
CityTypeMedian household income (dollars)
Point LayCDP78,750
Anaktuvuk Passcity62,788
Point Hopecity62,321
Prudhoe BayCDP-

What is the richest city in North Slope Borough, Alaska?

Atqasuk is the richest city in North Slope Borough, Alaska with median household income of 91,875.

TOP-5 richest cities in North Slope Borough, Alaska:
  • Atqasuk
  • Wainwright
  • Point Lay
  • Kaktovik
  • Nuiqsut